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Dora my little explorer


Warren Veteran
We first got you as a foster bunny with your sister you had come from a home where you "didnt get along with the monkeys in the shed"
(the hutch you came with)
we planned to rehome you but your little faces melted our hearts and as no home appeared we decided you had to both stay.

you had the worst phantom pregnancy i have ever seen pulling yourself half bald on the decking area and boxing us when we came near, we thought a neuter would "tame" you and while it chilled you out you were always preferring the company of other bunnies likeing to talk to chelsea(mums rabbit who is now also in rainbow bridge)
you were always an unusual bunny squeaking away to yourself and "talking monkey"

when your sister went missing(snowy) you were very sad and lost a lot of weight because you couldnt eat for grief. we searched rescues and free ads to find you a new companion and found arthur, a little lop who had been starved you lept into his hutch and called him yours. before i could get him neutered he escaped jumping a three foot fence into your area and when i put you to bed you wouuldnt let me remove him so he stayed too as your lovely husbun. you nursed him through his neuter
and were always a kind rabbit.you would never eat without him so where you went he went.

you were nice to every rabbit that you met, i never knew you dislike any foster or rabbit who was staying though you didnt like arthur chatting up the other younger buns!
you loved the garden

this last year has been a real trial and iv become closer to you than ever we have fought off ligament damage, snuffles, ec, siezures, coped with incontinance through baths and fly strike, sadly your immune system couldnt take any more and you went down hill rapidly the last few days, you sat licking me even at the end that is just the kind of bunny you were, kind but on your terms, you sadly passed away fitting in the vets arms we will always miss you you had a good life even if it was only to 6years.
taken today my last picture of you

binky free at the bridge dora, im sure chelsea will be glad to see you and will take care of you. xxx
I'm so sorry Kate :cry: Dora was a beautiful little girl & battled so much :love:

Binky free Dora, sleep tight poppet xxx
:( Haven't read all the tribute, I don't normally do Rainbow Bridge I find it too upsetting, I know you've lost her though I'm really sorry, she will always be with you.
Thinking of you Kate.
A beautiful tribute to a special bun.
She had a wonderful time exploring here too, under the trees and bushes whenever she stayed- and she was the best little lawnmower ever.

I'm sure Chelsea will indeed look after her at the bridge.

Binky free Dora.
