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Cookie - My Beautiful, Brave Girl

We're ok - I'm back at work, and Teddy hops on my bed for snuggles in the night.

I'm in a weird place - asking myself if there was something else I could/should have done, if I should have insisted she go to an animal hospital, if I missed some signs, if I should have let her sleep more/less (the feeding was an issue)... If she knew.

It's all gone round in my head.

And it's so quiet! Considering she didn't speak, I think her personality filled the space. So small, yet she ruled the household with her little paw.

I'm really grateful to RU - such a massive help. I've read all sorts of random threads just to gather knowledge and not feel lonely ❤️

Oh bless you. It's natural to keep going over and over the 'what if's' and questioning decisions made, but I'm sure there was not much more that you or an animal hospital could have done. You couldn't have tried harder for her and she gave it her all, but she was just too poorly to recover. You did the kindest thing for her and that's all that matters. Sending nose rubs to Teddy. xxx