Bunny Cuteness and new accommodation for the trio!


Jasper and Mischief






Mischief dissaproved :shock:

Tinkerbell :)


And some of their new housing :D (I will take some better pics later) It isn't completely finished, Blossom still needs her level but it's getting there and the buns can now use it as it's safe and has a roof!


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:wave: Wow thats nice and the bunnies are very cute, are you going to paint your wood? I've got to do mine I was going to do it this weekend but it's toooo hot so it's next weekend I think, I've got to do all the aviary frames aswell, think I'm getting cream for the frames and mixing it with some rich berry (Cuprinol Shades)http://www.cuprinol.co.uk/products/garden_shades_overview.jsp for the inside of my shed after seeing helen01's thread on her shed for Poppy.

Thats great though they all approve by the looks of it :lol::love:
Brilliant set-up ..... and SUCH cute bunnies! That first piccie made my eyes go funny for a second, I couldn't quite work out which bit belonged to which bunny!! :lol: :love: :love: :love:
:wave: Wow thats nice and the bunnies are very cute, are you going to paint your wood? I've got to do mine I was going to do it this weekend but it's toooo hot so it's next weekend I think, I've got to do all the aviary frames aswell, think I'm getting cream for the frames and mixing it with some rich berry (Cuprinol Shades)http://www.cuprinol.co.uk/products/garden_shades_overview.jsp for the inside of my shed after seeing helen01's thread on her shed for Poppy.

Thats great though they all approve by the looks of it :lol::love:

Aw that will look really nice. :D

Thank you, yes we will be painting it especially the grotty looking shed! :lol: I'm not sure what colour yet but something natural because my parents want it to blend into the garden so maybe a willow green. :)

The housing looks fantastic aswell :D:love: Re. Paint - Wilkinsons do a great own brand paint for outside, I've just painted my wendyhouse with 'Willow' and it looks lovely and natural (its cheaper than Cuprinol aswell) :wave:
Brilliant pics!! Such lovely bunnies :love:

I really struggle to get any unusual poses with any of my three, I normally just end up with a blur :? Lola hates the camera with a passion aswell :lol: