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Amount of dumped rabbits in UK rescues


Warren Scout
For a video I'm making (and I'm hoping to show to all of you in a couple of weeks) I need the number of rabbits that are 'set free' (we call it dumping, not sure if you have a different word for it but guess you all know what I mean!) and are lucky enough to end up in rescues. In other words, how many 'dumped' rabbits come into UK rescues each year?

Does anyone know this number (or an estimated number) and/of where I could find this?

Thanks a lot!
Hi, perhaps contact The Rabbit Welfare Association as I feel sure that they would be able to help answer your question.

Best of luck.:thumb:
Sadly, I cannot see how you can get the numbers. I have not turned away a stray rabbit yet.? But, vets have them, I dread to think how many have been PTS, people have found them and kept them. Good luck though. It is definitely a statistic worth knowing.
Sadly, I cannot see how you can get the numbers. I have not turned away a stray rabbit yet.? But, vets have them, I dread to think how many have been PTS, people have found them and kept them. Good luck though. It is definitely a statistic worth knowing.

It's not about the total number of stray rabbits, but about the number of strays that end in up in rescues. Research in the Netherlands show this around 6.000, of a total of 12.000. However, on the RWAF website I found that 35.000 rabbits pass through rescues each year, which apparently is a outdated number as well.. So I guess the number of strays you all rescue must be much higher.

Unfortunately most of our strays die out there. We want to change that and that's why we made the video. I'll contact the RWAF. Thanks both! :wave: