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The name 'rabbits united' does not suggest rescue only. Why am i wasting my time with this?!

Cleary you would all much rather berate than educate.
Clearly the OP has issues as they haven't realised the purpose behind the forum & website.

But there are other breeders on this forum and sometimes there input can be extremely valuable. It doesn't mean I agree with breeding just that I don't think alienating potential breeders is the right way to go about things.
If we treated everybody who had done something incorrectly when caring for their bunnies in the same way there would be no-one on here.
I thought the pupose of this forum was to help each other out with advice on all aspects of rabbit care including the reasons for not breeding to those who may not know them
Not everyone would have come to the forum via the home page. I came through straight to the forum via google.

I dont get this place, Its so tense & dramatic...
Taken directly from the homepage of Rabbit Rehome

Eeek, I must admit when i joined here I had and still hadnt (up until reading this thread) this forum was from a rehoming section :oops:

Ive never seen homepage and dont on most forums as when i search it brings me straight into forum itself.


Seperate and my thoughts. I agree a nice friendly post as to why is best rather than jumping down throats. From my experience ive left many forums because of the unfriendly replies rather than polite and/or supportive ones.

Not everyone would have come to the forum via the home page. I came through straight to the forum via google.

I dont get this place, Its so tense & dramatic...

Yes I did also :wave:

I havent found the place to be tense or dramatic though (ubtil this thread lol) Ive been made to feel very welcome and part of the forum with lovely advice :D

Just wanted to add rather make another seperate post lol.

I dont think it fair to alianate all breeders. Some breeders care about there litters and home them to only people they think/know are good owners and take back any bunnies should circumstances change :)

I usualy pick rescues in any pet (infact all have been apart from 2 breeder rats im having in couple months) because there are so many who need homes. I resue, foster and rehome mylsef and over last few years had alot come through my way. But i wouldnt dream of alianating good breeders.

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Does any1 know where i can get a new zealand red buck and doe that are unrelated so i can start breeding?

Try contacting the British Rabbit Council. They can put you in touch with some NZ Breeders


Aw.... love the troll Jane.;) I had one with green hair when I was young. They were all the rage and I remember saving up my pocket money for weeks before going to Woollies to buy one!!
All rabbit owners are welcome on RU. If you feel someone is asking innapropriate questions then please inform them politely.

I have to say that made me laugh too.

As a trustee of a resuce we all to often take in rabbits from breeders be they deliberate or accidental who have not been able to find homes for their rabbits (even pure breeds) or have let situations get out of control or do not have the funds to look after the rabbits properly and the rabbits have been confiscated. I therefore would urge you to think twice about breeding. If you must please visit shows & speak to experienced breeders first before you go ahead, read up every book going and find out as much as possible before you start. Treat your bunnys well with plenty of space, good nutrition, good health and stimulation and do not turn them into breeding machines who do not have the energy to look after their kits well.
This could on 4ever-why stop at rabbit breeding why not include cats and dogs as there are far more unwanted cats and dogs in the world than rabbits!

Something I have learned over the years working in a vets is that you can advise people against breeding (cats/dogs/rabbits) and at the end of the day they will do what they want anyway-some people stop to think about it and others will only learn from their mistakes ie get your rabbit neutered as is prevents hormone related behavioural problems, reduces the risk of uterine/testicular cancer and prevents unwanted litters but they may have decided they don't want this done until 1 yr down the line they have a litter and one on the way.

I agree the facts should have been explained to the person that posted the question and all they got was people being rude, which in my opinion was not very nice at all and people should be ashamed-imagine if you came into the vets and I was like that with you but didn't give you any reason for the rudeness-then changed the topic to toy trolls.

Please think about others feelings!