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Vibes Need For Zola update Got Results

my favourite picture of all time, this is how he was as i was walking out the door to the hospital as i was miscarrying our first baby. Never failed to make me smile even in the worst situations!

I have got the results back today and it is what I feared. it is cancer:(. He is doing well at the moment so we are keeping him on his pain relief and if and when he starts to go down hill then I will do the right thing for him:(
The cancer wrapped around the top of his hind leg basically strangulating it and runs up to his mammory gland so the area is way to big to operate on unfortunately (I was told this last Saturday before we sent the fluid away). He is doing well as he is hopping now rather than walking and he is coming for food as he wasn't before as it was to painful for him to move.
Oh no, I'm sorry :(

Poor Zola. Sending loads more vibes for him and hoping he'll have as long as possible happy and pain free with you.
Oh Kay I'm so sorry it was the news you dreaded :cry::cry::cry:

Lots & lots of vibes for Zola & hoping that he still has lots of quality time with you xxxx
I am so sorry you got such awful news with Zola. We have been down the same road with our Chloe this week. After 13 days of stasis she went back to the vet and he found a large lump under her right front leg. Initially he thought it was a tumour but did a biopsy and found it to be a rather severe tracking infection.

I hope you and Zola are able to enjoy many pain free days together, he is a most beautiful little bun. My thoughts are with you.