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Stitch - By choking!

OMG Vicki, i can't believe what I have just read.

After meeting you and all the buns, I can honestly say that all your buns are very happy to have you as their bunny mummy, it's not very often you see a fantastic home where bunnys are concerned but you provided it for them all, they are very lucky bunnys and there is nothing you could have done to prevent this event from happening and even if you had a vet down the road from you, you still wouldn't of made it in time. Stitch didn't deserve this to happen to him, he was such a gentle, friendly rabbit and I could see how much you adored him. Your were there for him when it happened and you just couldn't of done any more than you did.

I can understand how you must be feeling and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Christmas just wont be the same for you i know.

We are all thinking of you and sending loads of hugs. You know where we are when your ready to come back.

Lots of love Vicki

Julie xxxxxxxxxxx
Just thought I'd brave coming back on here as I have started to rationalise a little now.

OH took me into town and for a meal of which I hardly ate as I felt so sick. I told my mum and she has been crying all day and keeps asking how I am feeling, of which I think must be obvious!

Thank you for all your kind thoughts, it helps to know I done everything I could. I've been crying all day and have a massive headache. I wanted to clear his cage away so that I dont keep thinking where is he but the space looks so empty :cry:

The vets I took him to, have him there, they are sending him off for cremating and I will have him back after xmas - I am sooo paranoid about what I will get back, I do hope they are honest in their services :cry:

I cant get over the fact he choked on a pellet, now I'm so concerned for the other two. I know one day I will rescue another bun or two but I need time to heal. No bun will ever replace Stitch.

Why does it always happen to the nicest? My dad was also the greatest person ever :cry:

Once again thank you for your lovely comments, they mean the world to us at this horrible time. The last two months were the best I've ever had with any pet and I thank him for that :)

Here he is:



Words can lift us but time is the greatest healer for anything like this. Thank you for sharing stich's gorgeous pics, he will be remembered and never forgotton!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh my goodness Vicky, I am so sorry for your terrible loss - Stitch was truly a beautiful bunny & lucky to have you as his mummy. Binky free at the bridge little man, sleep tight xxx
:shock: How distressing!! :cry:

My bun Poppy started choking to death because myxi made her throat swell :cry: She was pts though.

I am so, so sorry *massive hugs* and vibes to mend a broken heart :(

Sweet dreams Stitch xxx
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about Stitch :( Just as others have said, it's not your fault so please don't blame yourself, there's nothing you could have done.

Binky free little bun xx
Oh my...
I am so sorry

The same happened to us with a Guinea Pig, we fed her in the morning and gave them dandelions, within a couple of mins, she was choking, we ran to the Vets which is about 2mins away, she passed away as my OH got her there...

Hugs to you xxxx
What a handsome boy! :love::love::love: I saw your post yesterday and my heart broke for you, I was too upset to reply at the time so how you must be feeling I dread to think. Such a tragic accident and a shock for you. Nobody could have done more than you did.....sadly, it was meant to be. :cry::cry::cry:

Stitch will be running free in the long lush grass now and the lovely warm sunshine and in time, you will feel better about it as the memory fades, but you will never forget your precious boy. :love:
A message for a special friend
You've left and gone away
But I was with you til the end
We'll think of you each day

You were with us just a short while
In that time you bought us joy
And always made us smile
You were our special boy

Nobun can replace you
You gentle, happy chap
That much is always true
Now have a peaceful knap

You were taken from me
How dare they split us apart
Some say its meant to be
I say you broke my heart

So with this I wish you well
If only I'd believe, that
There is a place after death
Where you can find my dad

For sure he would take care of you
And wait for me to come
Where fields are big and grass is green
Please have lots of fun

Binky free my bezzie friend
You left me feeling blue
I hope in time one day I'll mend, but
All I want for christmas is you!
So very sorry to hear of your loss of your very special bunny.

It's just heartbreaking news, fate is so damn cruel at times.

Stitch will be greatly missed by us all
I am so so sorry to hear about stich :cry: It's heartbreaking and just not fair when things like that happen!!

Thank you so much for giving him such a wonderful loving forever home :love:
I'm so sorry to read this, I actually have tears in my eyes :cry: He was such a gorgeous bunny, you musn't blame yourself for this at all. Binky free Stitch x