Hiya, looking for some advice. My bun is 4 years old and has been neutered for about 3 years. He never showed any sexual behaviour before his neuter, and the main reason we got him done was to fix his litter tray habits. After his neuter he used his litter tray perfectly and was so well behaved. He took a sudden turn, taking a very keen interest in me, with constant circling and chinning. He would also spray urine at me constantly, making it difficult to spend time with him as he would end up getting shut in a room (usually has roam of the entire house) to keep him away from me. He also stopped using his litter tray, meaning the entire house is littered with poos. However, his obsession is only with me. If i am away for whatever reason, he is fine with my parents and will use his litter tray most of the time. I read about getting him a teddy so he can handle his business, which worked, but now he also humps me and not just the teddy. I’ve brought this up with the vets but every time they just laugh it off and say he loves me. It’s getting really frustrating as i feel as though i can’t let him out as im always worried he’s going to wee/poo on furniture/rugs/etc.