Hello everyone, if anyone has some spare get well thoughts please send them to Aberdeen.
Casper my beloved REW lop isn't a well boy. He's got something not sure what but I'll call it a bunny cold. Poor guy has always been fine apart from his bladder sludge and teeth probs when he was 3 months but since then he's been fine and he's now about 4. He was fine on Friday and ate his pellets then his bowl of readigrass as normal. Saturday morning it was as if someone had zapped his energy, all he wanted to do was sleep and he hadn't touched his breakfast which is very unlike him. So I gave him some prepulsid and left him in peace but later on still no better so I left him a bit longer (in between trying to put bits of greens up his nose to anger him into eating) anyway later on in the evening he was having to take quite deep breaths and very engery-less and his breathing was quite noisy so phoned the emergency vet and told him what i had given so he said there wasn't much else he would do for him at that time so wait until morning. I did and then booked an appointment (thankfully vet is open for a wee while for emergencies) so we were seen eventually and although his lungs sounded ok (and by then his breathing was normal) but his heart was beating a little fast (wouldn't yours be if you'd been uplifted from your cosy bed and plonked into a carrier?) no blockage in tummy only thing he could see was a snotty nose. So we toddled off home with Baytril and prepulsid etc and when we got home i gave him some more prepulsid as directed. He has pooped a little but he has no real interest in food. He will take fresh parsely though but with his sludge I don't want to give him too much.
After feeding him this morning he took a small piece of fresh greens himself but he kept turning this way and that with it hanging out of his mouth, eventually he went and pee'd a small dribble then came back to living area (fancy apartment he has, the toilet is upstairs lol) he took about 5 mins of this turning this way and that before he ate the greens. It was a bit strange but maybe this is how it always goes with ill bunnies???
So please any spare get well thoughts, send them this way to help a very ill little boy amd his very worried mummy.
Casper my beloved REW lop isn't a well boy. He's got something not sure what but I'll call it a bunny cold. Poor guy has always been fine apart from his bladder sludge and teeth probs when he was 3 months but since then he's been fine and he's now about 4. He was fine on Friday and ate his pellets then his bowl of readigrass as normal. Saturday morning it was as if someone had zapped his energy, all he wanted to do was sleep and he hadn't touched his breakfast which is very unlike him. So I gave him some prepulsid and left him in peace but later on still no better so I left him a bit longer (in between trying to put bits of greens up his nose to anger him into eating) anyway later on in the evening he was having to take quite deep breaths and very engery-less and his breathing was quite noisy so phoned the emergency vet and told him what i had given so he said there wasn't much else he would do for him at that time so wait until morning. I did and then booked an appointment (thankfully vet is open for a wee while for emergencies) so we were seen eventually and although his lungs sounded ok (and by then his breathing was normal) but his heart was beating a little fast (wouldn't yours be if you'd been uplifted from your cosy bed and plonked into a carrier?) no blockage in tummy only thing he could see was a snotty nose. So we toddled off home with Baytril and prepulsid etc and when we got home i gave him some more prepulsid as directed. He has pooped a little but he has no real interest in food. He will take fresh parsely though but with his sludge I don't want to give him too much.
After feeding him this morning he took a small piece of fresh greens himself but he kept turning this way and that with it hanging out of his mouth, eventually he went and pee'd a small dribble then came back to living area (fancy apartment he has, the toilet is upstairs lol) he took about 5 mins of this turning this way and that before he ate the greens. It was a bit strange but maybe this is how it always goes with ill bunnies???
So please any spare get well thoughts, send them this way to help a very ill little boy amd his very worried mummy.