'She is going to die anyway, this will just kill her faster'


Wise Old Thumper
The emergency vet just said that to me, about Wish, who has been having respiratory problems and who is struggling tonight. She was talking about if I give her Furosemide without knowing for sure if she has fluid on her lungs and what the consequence might be. This is, very clearly, a vet who doesn't know me at all.

I don't want Wish to die and I don't want her to die faster. If she needs to be PTS then I'll have that done. But I can't bear to lose another friend. 5 in a year is too much, let alone with Wish too. Wish is now cross with me because first I put her in the nebuliser, then I cried all over her, so she is frantically cleaning herself all over. So, essentially, she is 'ok' at the moment, very normal Wish, and her mucous membranes are pink. So, unsurprisingly I'm not taking her to the emergency vets right now, although, if she deteriorates overnight, then I will have to, but I don't want her to be seen by this woman.

I can't stop crying.
I'm sorry.
I hope that you can find someone else who will deal with Wish with more sensitivity.
NHS staff are a bit like that (the emergency vet) about one's elderly relatives. They told us that about my granddad.
I am so sorry that the emergency vet was so insensitive. Sending loads of vibes for Wish.
Unbelievable. Sadly I've come across a couple of vets with similar bedside manner.

I'm so sorry you have this idiot adding to your distress, they are in completely the wrong job. All you have done for Wish and all she means to you it's so wrong you have had to endure such an unprofessional *** at this time.

I hope Wish continues to do well in your care.
Im so sorry how stressful for you and how incredibly insensitive of the vet.:shock:

Unfortunately there are vets like this about.Certainly in the wrong job.

Sending many vibes that Wish remains comfortable and you don't have to deal with this vet again-ever.
Awful. I do wonder why some people choose careers they're so eminently unsuited to.

Sending healing thoughts to Wish and calming ones to you.
I'm so sorry for your bad experience.

It's the reason why I have made it possible *never* to visit an emergency vet ...
Sending healing vibes your way for beautiful Wish. (((((((((((((((((((Vibes)))))))))))))))))))))
That was really wrong for that vet to have spoken to you that way. (biggest understatement of the year) I am seriously shocked at the insensitivity you were shown. She should get booted, she has no right to practice medicine, being that way. :evil:

Keeping you and Wish in my thoughts and prayers. ((((((((((((((((Huge hugs)))))))))))))))))))) xxxxxxxxxx
I am so sorry T. The Vet clearly has zero communication skills, stupid woman :evil:

I hope that Wish has stabilised now xx
Such insensitivity :(

I hope you are ok and that Wish has had a better night.

Sending my love and vibes xx
Thanks guys. I'm thinking she has a mass in her chest cavity- she is presenting exactly the same as Candyfloss did and so different from my other bunnies who have had heart failure or infections, or suchlike. She is bright and eating and heavily involved in all things mischievous today- just still can't breathe properly, sadly.

We're seeing a chosen vet tonight, so that's good (last nights vet was a brand new locum- our vets cover emergencies themselves, using their own vets, so normally there are no problems at all, but this time there was, sadly).

I'm aware this may involve her being PTS tonight (and I'm devastated about that).
Sending love to you both, whatever may happen.

(I had a similar experience with Athena and her abscess. And now, she's fine. So fine it's been removed from her insurance excesses. Sigh)