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Share your rabbit palace x


Young Bun
Thought this thread could be full of our rabbit palaces x (would love to see yours) :wave:
Heres mine:
Outdoor -

(There is now turf and new fly mesh around the run, just haven't taken a photo yet)

Indoor, excluding free range bedroom bun photo -

Free range living room bunnies :D (well when they settle down and bond!) The yellowish side unit on the left behind the fire place is adapted to bunny use too, since this photo there's also a new ramp and a new tunnel for them to play with :) (the bale of hay is kept in the outhouses normally too!)

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I love your run its fab with the shelf level :D:thumb:

thank you!

that's fantastic! how did you attach the shelf in the run? sorry if that's a stupid question i'm very bad at diy! :oops:

there's two bars across the top which gives the structure a bit more support and the lids can rest on, they also have posts hanging down to the platform on each side and then under it back to the sides. Does this show it better?


Next time i think I'd just get a couple of wooden boxes and rest planks of wood on it 'cos the little fur balls only chew it (they want to periscope at the edges so they're bungineering it)
Here's charlie and lola's shed. It's 5 x 7" with permanent access to a 9 x 6" avairy :)
This is how it's set up at the moment:

This is how it was first set up - I think I'll put the trofast back this way :D