• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Rupert seems to have something stuck in his nose

Poor boy, hopefully they did a chest X-ray too. Sending lots more vibes for him x
Yep head and chest x-rays will be done. I have had a conversation with my other half and we've both agreed that if it's a worst case scenario we will ask the vet to let him go under GA but fingers crossed it won't be.
Yep head and chest x-rays will be done. I have had a conversation with my other half and we've both agreed that if it's a worst case scenario we will ask the vet to let him go under GA but fingers crossed it won't be.
Really hope it won’t come to that, but I agree with your thoughts if the X-ray results give bad news x
Oh, no, I'm really sorry to hear he got worse. That does sound really distressing to see him like that. I'm very much hoping the vet will be able to help him. Sending him so, so many vibes. ❤️
So the vet has had a good look at Rupert, the area in front of his larynx was bruised, his very back tooth had worn unevenly and there was food stuck behind it, so the vet suspects he may have been getting food stuck there regularly which has contributed to his choking episodes. The proof will be in the pudding I guess! He is up and about now, going to pick him up later.
So glad he is coming home home ❤️ I hope you can get the choking under control. he's a lucky boy having you care for him so well
I'm not sure what the plan would be if it continues but in praying it doesn't. Rupert is grateful for all the well wishes!
That sounds like a feasible explanation with the food stuck. And I guess the bruised larynx could have arisen with the persistent coughing. Really hope that Rupert will be sorted now with no more episodes.
Been hand feeding him some food, he's had a little bit of forage, half a strawberry, and the soft seedy part of some cucumber but not the skin 😆 reminds me of a picky child only wanting to eat certain things but I totally understand his preferences given how sore he must be!
Been hand feeding him some food, he's had a little bit of forage, half a strawberry, and the soft seedy part of some cucumber but not the skin 😆 reminds me of a picky child only wanting to eat certain things but I totally understand his preferences given how sore he must be!
I am glad he can eat and swallow softer foods. Sending vibes he will eat more as he heals.
Been hand feeding him some food, he's had a little bit of forage, half a strawberry, and the soft seedy part of some cucumber but not the skin 😆 reminds me of a picky child only wanting to eat certain things but I totally understand his preferences given how sore he must be!
I assume he’s been prescribed good analgesic cover ? He might be able to eat some hand picked grass and dandelion leaves. Even if you have to cut it all up into small bits.

A mixture of crushed pellets, grated carrot and grated apple might be something else he can manage to eat too. You could try making his pellets into a mash by soaking them in boiled water. But many Rabbits don’t like wet mushy pellets

Fresh herbs are also often useful to tempt a Bunny to eat, especially coriander.
I assume he’s been prescribed good analgesic cover ? He might be able to eat some hand picked grass and dandelion leaves. Even if you have to cut it all up into small bits.

A mixture of crushed pellets, grated carrot and grated apple might be something else he can manage to eat too. You could try making his pellets into a mash by soaking them in boiled water. But many Rabbits don’t like wet mushy pellets

Fresh herbs are also often useful to tempt a Bunny to eat, especially coriander.
He's on metacam anyway for his arthritis so he's definitely covered for pain relief.

I'm going to grate/chop some veg up for him this morning, unfortunately I will be out at work all day but have set up bunny cam ready to watch them!
Poor boy, glad the vet managed to find the cause of his discomfort, sending him loads of vibes and hope he feels better soon xx
I hope he enjoyed his grated/chopped veg while you were at work checking on him through the bunny cam. Sending vibes he will soon be eating normally.
We had a recheck at the vet this morning, Rupert's chest is sounding much better which is positive. He has lost about 200g which isn't great, but he's not eating hay yet, I guess because his mouth is still sore. He did start eating a tiny bit of readigrass this morning so hopefully he's moving in the right direction. Going to supplement with some critical care as well. Another recheck on Monday and hopefully that will be the end of it but we'll see. He hasn't been coughing or choking but he has sneezed a couple of times so not 100% in the clear yet.