Wise Old Thumper
thank you 
Last night OH & I were talking about how nice it'd be if Rudey came on the bed with us if he feels lonely at night. We hadn't seen any evidence of his jumping anywhere
Midnight: Improvised steps made . Trail of favourite food crumbs left to guide him.
12:05 Rudey is on the bed
clever boy
12:20 Woke up by OH as Rudey did a little wee on the fleece. Didn't go through to duvet. phew. Rudey given yellow card :lol:
12:45 Woken up by OH, Rudey done massive wee. Hooman bedding change . Remove step access to bed
1pm Rudey lands on my face with a straight leap from the floor
1.05 Repeat above
1.07 Repeat above
& a few more go's
I felt so mean having to lift him down
my time line is approximate
Last night OH & I were talking about how nice it'd be if Rudey came on the bed with us if he feels lonely at night. We hadn't seen any evidence of his jumping anywhere
Midnight: Improvised steps made . Trail of favourite food crumbs left to guide him.
12:05 Rudey is on the bed
12:20 Woke up by OH as Rudey did a little wee on the fleece. Didn't go through to duvet. phew. Rudey given yellow card :lol:
12:45 Woken up by OH, Rudey done massive wee. Hooman bedding change . Remove step access to bed
1pm Rudey lands on my face with a straight leap from the floor
1.05 Repeat above
1.07 Repeat above
& a few more go's
my time line is approximate