
thank you :love:

Last night OH & I were talking about how nice it'd be if Rudey came on the bed with us if he feels lonely at night. We hadn't seen any evidence of his jumping anywhere

Midnight: Improvised steps made . Trail of favourite food crumbs left to guide him.
12:05 Rudey is on the bed :love: clever boy
12:20 Woke up by OH as Rudey did a little wee on the fleece. Didn't go through to duvet. phew. Rudey given yellow card :lol:
12:45 Woken up by OH, Rudey done massive wee. Hooman bedding change . Remove step access to bed
1pm Rudey lands on my face with a straight leap from the floor
1.05 Repeat above
1.07 Repeat above

& a few more go's :love: I felt so mean having to lift him down

my time line is approximate
Poor Rudey. He wasn't doing it on purpose. He's just being a rabbit. You may find he settles after a few nights. :love:
Aww Rudey! He certainly seems to be having a ball in your bedroom!

I grew up with cats and always had one sleeping on the bed with me. I was desperate for the bunnies to come onto the bed so I could have some furry nighttime cuddles again. Snoopy does jump up onto the bed occassionally, though only in the morning. He once did a big wee by my pillow and I suddenly became less enthusiastic about him being on the bed! [emoji23]

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he is so sweet. He did lots of circuits after too, could have had some binkies in there but i am only going from sounds. Its nice he is finding his feet. He has finally mastered the litter tray too (apart from the bed wees:lol:)
thank you :love:

Last night OH & I were talking about how nice it'd be if Rudey came on the bed with us if he feels lonely at night. We hadn't seen any evidence of his jumping anywhere

Midnight: Improvised steps made . Trail of favourite food crumbs left to guide him.
12:05 Rudey is on the bed :love: clever boy
12:20 Woke up by OH as Rudey did a little wee on the fleece. Didn't go through to duvet. phew. Rudey given yellow card :lol:
12:45 Woken up by OH, Rudey done massive wee. Hooman bedding change . Remove step access to bed
1pm Rudey lands on my face with a straight leap from the floor
1.05 Repeat above
1.07 Repeat above

& a few more go's :love: I felt so mean having to lift him down

my time line is approximate


I remember the only time Hector was allowed on the bed whilst I was in it. He was ill and had sneaked upstairs to the bed. Come bed time, I didn’t have the heart to move him so got in next to him, all nice and cosy. I fell asleep stroking his head. He was lying along my legs.

3 am - Hector is clearly feeling better. He’s playing “on the bed, off the bed, on the bed, off the bed etc.” At his size, that translated as, “earthquake.....earthquake.....earthquake.... etc.”

I got up, found some fresh forage in the kitchen. He followed. I closed the door.... :lol:

I remember the only time Hector was allowed on the bed whilst I was in it. He was ill and had sneaked upstairs to the bed. Come bed time, I didn’t have the heart to move him so got in next to him, all nice and cosy. I fell asleep stroking his head. He was lying along my legs.

3 am - Hector is clearly feeling better. He’s playing “on the bed, off the bed, on the bed, off the bed etc.” At his size, that translated as, “earthquake.....earthquake.....earthquake.... etc.”

I got up, found some fresh forage in the kitchen. He followed. I closed the door.... :lol:

aww Hector :love: huge bunny with a huger character

No earth quakes here thank goodness - he's only little (but nicely compact)

I remember the only time Hector was allowed on the bed whilst I was in it. He was ill and had sneaked upstairs to the bed. Come bed time, I didn’t have the heart to move him so got in next to him, all nice and cosy. I fell asleep stroking his head. He was lying along my legs.

3 am - Hector is clearly feeling better. He’s playing “on the bed, off the bed, on the bed, off the bed etc.” At his size, that translated as, “earthquake.....earthquake.....earthquake.... etc.”

I got up, found some fresh forage in the kitchen. He followed. I closed the door.... [emoji38]
[emoji23] That must have been the very definition of mixed feelings: I'm so relieved he's feeling better but bloody hell this is annoying! [emoji23]

Sent from my SM-T585 using Tapatalk
thank you :love:

Last night OH & I were talking about how nice it'd be if Rudey came on the bed with us if he feels lonely at night. We hadn't seen any evidence of his jumping anywhere

Midnight: Improvised steps made . Trail of favourite food crumbs left to guide him.
12:05 Rudey is on the bed :love: clever boy
12:20 Woke up by OH as Rudey did a little wee on the fleece. Didn't go through to duvet. phew. Rudey given yellow card :lol:
12:45 Woken up by OH, Rudey done massive wee. Hooman bedding change . Remove step access to bed
1pm Rudey lands on my face with a straight leap from the floor
1.05 Repeat above
1.07 Repeat above

& a few more go's :love: I felt so mean having to lift him down

my time line is approximate

Oh dear :lol: he’s claiming the bed ;) :lol:
aww Hector :love: huge bunny with a huger character

No earth quakes here thank goodness - he's only little (but nicely compact)

Thank you for remembering him :love:

I love Rudey. He’s absolutely beautiful :love:

(And has you wrapped around his paw....) :lol:
He didn't get on the bed last night. I wonder if he is super polite & only joins us when invited. I actually think he might be trainable not to wee on the bed if we have some awake time on there. He'll do anything for a tiny bit of broccoli. Need to buy a foil backed picnic blanket before training restarts. Its nice having another hearing bunny
About 4 or 5 bed visits from rudey roo last night :love: He just lay between us at the bottom of the bed. He's a big grown up boy now & had another dry night