I have just adopted two female ( we think!) rabbits, who are around a year old, we brought them home and noticed they are fighting when we put them in a playpen run, they have been fins when in their hutch, we have just moved to a much bigger hutch yesterday and I have come down this morning to find a load of fur in their bed area so they have been fighting overnight ( there was also a thunderstorm last night which probably hasn't helped) it looks like one of them is asserting authority over their bed area and not letting the other in, I have also noticed the more assertive one stockpiling hay in there also, the less dominant one is thumping and i can see she isn't getting chance to eat as much- any ideas welcome, I'm new to rabbit care and pet care in general!
could this just be a reaction to all the change or should we be more worried their bond is breaking
could this just be a reaction to all the change or should we be more worried their bond is breaking