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Rabbits... and dads.

My dad HATES my rabbits. :cry:

Never stops complaining about them, they don't affect him at all, he just want to make me miserable. He hates our cats too. :(
... The garden centre is called Booths Garden and Pet Centre, on Turf Lane, Royton.

We used to live opposite there (20 years ago). Still go back from time to time for the odd bag of hay or SS pellets. We got our very first bunnies from there too! I remember it when all they did was distribute eggs and sell fruit and veg. And yes Becki - it does open Sundays :lol:

We used to live opposite there (20 years ago). Still go back from time to time for the odd bag of hay or SS pellets. We got our very first bunnies from there too! I remember it when all they did was distribute eggs and sell fruit and veg. And yes Becki - it does open Sundays :lol:


I think i will nip up and have a look 2moz 2,have a ganders around.

Oh dear. Rabbits have been blamed - again!

The hutch was delivered, and my dad was sat playing games on the computer... so my mum and I had to carry a double hutch up the drive, past a car... We struggled to open the garage door, got the hutch in, and found the door had swollen in the wet weather and wouldn't close. :roll: It was too big. So we told my dad, who pried himself off here, came to look, said 'yeah, it's swollen' (well, duh) and then went back inside muttering about 'those damn rabbits, they're more trouble than they're worth'.

So yeah. My rabbits are responsible for the recent wet weather. They hold their paws up and confess. They're also responsible for him not treating the garage with paint to prevent this. :lol:

My grandpa just fixed the door, though. Aaaand when my mum and dad return from Morrisons I'm off to collect my two new babies. ^-^
They're here! They're here! ^-^
The baby is a little girl - we're thinking of calling her Bella... And Barney seems besotted with her. He's sat at the corner of his hutch closest to theirs, and he and Bella keep trying to sniff one another. And baby Bella is just as beautiful as Hazel.

I'm going to try and take a picture later, but shall do a proper camera session tomorrow when they've both settled in. :p I keep wanting to dash out there and watch them... Hazel has been adventurous and gone 'upstairs', but Bella is a little more cautious.
You know my dad who hates my rabbts so much, his current position happens to be in P@H right now picking up willow ring for my outdoor pairs but remember he hates them:lol:

He also bought loads of wood back yesterday to start building there new hutch/run combos but hey for a amn that hates my buns he does an awful lot for them:p
They're here! They're here! ^-^
The baby is a little girl - we're thinking of calling her Bella... And Barney seems besotted with her. He's sat at the corner of his hutch closest to theirs, and he and Bella keep trying to sniff one another. And baby Bella is just as beautiful as Hazel.

I'm going to try and take a picture later, but shall do a proper camera session tomorrow when they've both settled in. :p I keep wanting to dash out there and watch them... Hazel has been adventurous and gone 'upstairs', but Bella is a little more cautious.

pics pics pics of hazel n bella plus ur new hutch.

Ooooh boy. o_x
Personality change from Amber!

Due to the weather being icky, and the grass being rather damp, we set the smaller run up in the garage, as per usual. I was sat in there with Barney and Amber, in case either got a bit funny, what with being nearer to the Hazel/Bella hutch... They were fine, Amber tried to leap out so I was forced to put the lid on and get out, nipped in the kitchen to help make a cake... And then heard grunting. I darted outside to find Amber chasing Barney - not playfully! I had to get in there, push Amber away while Barney hid behind me. Poor Amber looks disgruntled now and is having some 'cool down' time. :lol: And she's not speaking to me, as she's flopped with her back to me in a pointed way. Barney, however, looks thrilled to be surrounded by a harem. I think I'll be keeping them in pairs, hehe.

I tried to get a picture on my phone, but the garage is gloomy today... :? But! Tomorrow, when they've settled some more, I'll feel less mean over using the digital camera with a flash to get some. :wave:
sophie got funny with bobby when i first got topaz n teasel but soon settled,just be carefull of aggresion on barney from amber.

Yeah, that's who she was taking it out on... My poor Barney-boy. I'd fight off bigger things than Amber for him. :? But I can't be too mad at Amber. I ended up with her sat on my knee to calm down and she was very worked up. Ah well. I like a challenge. Hehe.

And lookie! I changed my signature. That first picture is the one of Bella-baby, at around 3 weeks (I think), that Elaine sent. Until I manage to get decent pictures of Hazel or Bella, it gives some idea of her colouring. Her ears are much bigger now, and sometimes flop and sometimes don't... When they don't, they look too big for her little head.