New Kit
Hello everyone,
I've been posting a lot on this forum recently and everybody's been so kind and helpful so I thought it wouldn't be too bad to ask some more questions.
I've recently lost two beautiful bunnies (but I'm not going to go into that again
) to VHD2/RHD2. I learnt only afterwards that there was a vaccination available from this summer against it. I'm not somebody who doesn't research everything until my brain melts, and I always spend a lot of time trying to make sure that I'm completely up-to-date with everything, but somehow I just didn't know (it didn't help that I developed a fear of the internet - that I've now been able to conquer - during the time the vaccine came to the UK).
I'm hoping to adopt again when I'm ready and although I feel I do absolutely everything I can to protect my bunnies, I want to make sure there's nothing else I can do to minimise risk. So I'm going to write a list of things I did with my rabbits who are gone (+ my new knowledge of the VHD2 vaccine), and if there's anything anyone thinks I may have missed, I would be so grateful if they could let me know.
And I think there may be more that I might have forgotten.
Thanks so much in advance, everybody. I'm so glad I found this forum!
I've been posting a lot on this forum recently and everybody's been so kind and helpful so I thought it wouldn't be too bad to ask some more questions.
I've recently lost two beautiful bunnies (but I'm not going to go into that again
I'm hoping to adopt again when I'm ready and although I feel I do absolutely everything I can to protect my bunnies, I want to make sure there's nothing else I can do to minimise risk. So I'm going to write a list of things I did with my rabbits who are gone (+ my new knowledge of the VHD2 vaccine), and if there's anything anyone thinks I may have missed, I would be so grateful if they could let me know.
Combo vaccination against myxomatosis and VHD1.- Vaccination against VHD2.
- Taking them for boosters for these vaccines.
- Making sure my other animal (dog) is not allowed anywhere near them.
- Washing every piece of green food that they are given.
- Anti-bacterial washing every new toy I get them and their enclosures.
- Refreshing all of their bedding every week.
- Removing any uneaten food after a couple of days so it doesn't go off.
- Cleaning out their enclosures every week with anti-bacterial.
- Cleaning out their bowls every week with anti-bacterial.
- Keeping on the look out for numbers of wild rabbits in our area to get an idea of disease prevalence.
- Washing my hands before and after handling them.
- Checking their stools for abnormality.
- Keeping them in my room so I can be incredibly conscious of anything possibly wrong (so I can see any change in their behaviour, eye discharge, stability, etc).
- Taking them to the vet to get their teeth checked regularly.
- Taking them to the vet for health checks regularly.
- Keeping their hair brushed and their nails trimmed.
- Closely looking up every new thing I add to their diet to make sure it is recommended.
- If I feel they are unclean, going over them with a pet-safe wipe (I don't want to risk bathing them even though some people recommend it).
- Cleaning their pet carrier with anti-bacterial regularly.
- Using this forum and Facebook rabbit groups to keep up to date with new outbreaks of disease and new ways of helping them.
- Marking the water level on their bottles with a marker so I can tell they are drinking and providing them with a bowl of water if I feel they're struggling.
And I think there may be more that I might have forgotten.
Thanks so much in advance, everybody. I'm so glad I found this forum!
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