Plant Images

So, I'm going to stick some more pictures here, but admin-people could move them as I don't think I'm allowed (haven't found an 'edit' button on anything except my own posts ;P). Also, feel free to use them elsewhere, just as long as I'm credited (I'm the only keletkezes on the web, I think! Certainly the only English one): I suggest you use the same image link as I have to save on space elsewhere, unless you're producing a document :)

I've also a couple of questions which I've posted elsewhere to avoid confusion.



Strange growth pattern, falls over easily; tiny white, almost daisy-like flowers; seeds profusely (breeds like rabbits!).



Small tree/large shrub; long, bendy branches; catkins produced Autumn and Spring (well, mine does!); leaves ovate and slightly hairy.



CARE NEEDED: treat as cabbage (related!). Lancelolate (long, thin and pointy, like a lance) leaves; small, fragrant flowers (wild are yellow, cultivated usually yellow, red or brown) which are floppy; seeds and grows profusely. Apologies, didn't realise this one was so wobbly! Might try again later in better light.



Spiky; leaves a bit like hawthorn but slightly hairy; green, 'prickly' berries (covered in sparse, stiff hairs); bushy.



Grows tall, especially when supported; saw-edged leaves grow on small stems generally in fives; hairy leaves, sometimes spiky on leaf-stem; main stems spiky or rough; berries 'bumpy' (multi-podded) and slightly hairy, red or pink; fruits summer or autumn (or both, if you're my summer ones!).




Leaves green and growing off own stems, close to ground; flowers simple, white (or sometimes other colours) with single stamen; berries green or black, size of a large olive.



Leaves well-spaced on stem; flowers white and umbelliforous (like an umbrella); berries dark purple to black (see first post for more images).


Dark Elder/Sambuca(!).

Hilarious name (even more hilarious if you're familiar with post-2000 Warhammer 40,000 ;P): as Elder but purple to red-black foliage, flowers pink or purple and berries black. Becomes paler as summer wears on (hence looks paler in pictures).



Not sure about this one but I've seen it on Unsafe lists before! Looks vaguely similar to clover, but leaves are 'inverted' like a heart-shape at the ends. Green, or this weird purple colour.



Arum Lily.

Big, heart-shaped leaves; white trumpet-esque flowers with big yellow stamen (sorry, no pics :(); red berries on long stalk.

What a useful thread:DCant believe I missed this one.I never know whats safe to pick for the bunnies so its just dandelion leaves for my lot-as well as their hay, pellets and veg of course!
This is the very nice forums. really plants is the life of human and environment.plants has a great roll in nature.It gives us freshness and d environment free from pollution.It gives freshness to all world.
It's that time of year again! Have just been out in the garden foraging for some delicious bunny salad. Tons growing -- wild strawberries (they love the leaves), stinging nettles, wood avens, dandelions, herb robert, brambles, germander speedwell and of course blimmin' cleavers. Have picked a load and spread out to dry in greenhouse as I'm going away for a few days so neighbour can just grab a handful and chuck in for the buns.

Do stinging nettles loose their sting when dried? Or shall I leave some gloves out for the neighbour too?
veritymay. I'm don't usually return to this thread.
You may not know the original unspoken "rules" when a group of experienced foragers "went public" on here about foraging.
Above all it must be safe for people who have no plant knowledge whatsoever. Correct botanical identification involves using another language (Can we really expect someone to know what a raceme is?) & sometimes dissecting parts of the plant.
Again we use the common English names for plants rather than the correct Latin names. These can vary in different parts of the country eg I know cleavers as "sticky willy" or "sticky burrs" from my childhood in the midlands! Cleavers is more widespread as well as less open to a different interprtation!!!

The plants we recommend are all wild, & cannot be easily confused with poisonous plants with no plant knowledge whatsoever. The other aspect is that there must not be any hard parts which might break a rabbit's tooth.
Although it is unlikely that most domestic rabbits would eat fresh poisonous plants, they cannot distinguish poisonous plants so easily when they are dried.
I direct you to a lovely thread by Chelle "Im drying lots of herbs for winter foraging 2010."

You will see that when people posted photos for plant identification we used to ask for 2 original group members to identify the plant & ensure it's safety independantly.
Sometimes only part of a plant is indisputedly safe. Sometimes a plant is only safe at a certain stage of growth

There is much contention about some plants. Very little work has been done about rabbits. I am fortunate in having about 12 wild rabbit warrens in my area, but am limited to species by soil conditions etc. My own work also entialed studying what the wild rabbits were eating extensively, & what they were avoiding.
The lawn daisy is only 1 of them. Some say it is completely safe in all parts. Several warrens were eating the flowers avidly but leaving all the leaves. I don't know of any pioson in the leaves but DO know that they are high in protein which could potentially cause dysbiosis in rabbits prone to stasis.
Again coltsfoot is said to be safe by the RWA. The flowers appear before the leaves. Wild rabbits devoured all the flowers but left all the leaves. I only know that coltsfoot leaves have been implicated in hepatic cancer in humans when eaten in large amounts as a tea. That the wild rabbits leave them is enough for me!! Yes, I know that they are included in some commercial forage! Again, when the flowers are dried, the disc from which the yellow flowers arise, is really hard. On here, fresh flowers only are fine, the rest not mentioned. On a foraging thread I could express my reservations & leave it up to indiviuals to decide!

The young leaves of dock are safe although not a preferred food. When the flower spike forms all parts of dock accumulate a poison!
hawthorn leaves are perfectly safe. I know that the buds & flowers are used in herbal medicine to slow down the heart, (& it is effective!) so I always warn people to remove them. I always warn people to remove the "berries" for a different reason - the seeds are rock hard & could damage bunny's teeth.

Cleavers is never poisonous. Have you ever tried to crush the seeds (burrs) between your finger nails? They're so hard you can't! = potential tooth damage.
Raspberries again 100% safe. Wild raspberries are fairly common in Scotland but not in England, so not mentioned on this thread.
Brambles/ blackberry leaves again 100% safe, whichever the 29 subspecies, easily identified, excellent forage, & wildies even climb in the thorney thickets to get them in spring. My own experience with only 2 rabbits is that they don't like the thorns onthe underside of the leaves. I have to dry them & then dethorn every leaf!

Misidentifcation - a beginner can easily misidentify haresbit for dandelion, although to me, the leaves are different! Haresbit is very common round here. Misidentification - no worries! haresbit is also perfectly safe!
Cowparsely = wild chervil. Even I can't distinguish between safe wild chervil, & rough leaved wild chervil without digging up the plant to see the root. Rough leaved chervil is known in the countryside, to give all farm animals "the staggers" except for goats. To the beginner it can be confused with wild carrot, & even hemlock, especially if soil conditions lead to stunted growth of the hemlock & there are very few & very small marron spots on it! So I say "no" to that.

Personally, I give a much larger range of forage to my own buns, as do many experienced foragers. Also I never completed this list because it requires so much thought & work.

Rabbits have enzyme systems which can detoxify many poisons! I would never recommend poisonous creeping buttercup!! the wildies don't eat it either! Yet an exceelent exotics vet who was privately interested in forage told me that 96% of wild rabbits can detoxify buttercup, & only 4% are susceptable to the poison, but we can't tell which are susceptable & which aren't.

( I have to go now to get benjie's meds)
To answer your question. Completely dead stinging nettles can still sting - personal experience. If well wilted, the sting can be flattened with a good rolling pin. (grasp a nettle firmly - flatten the sting - & you don't get stung!) If completely dry & you use a rolling pin the nettle is so brittle it breaks up into small particles. The very young leaves - top 2-3 usually don't sting. I know that rabbits have fur, & make runs through nettles, but their lips don't have fur!

I'm trying to say that this thread is a STICKY & has to be 101% safe for everyone, with no contention whatsoever or it will become unmanageably long for others to read.
It pertains to common UK wild plants only.
Of course the opinions of others are welcome, but my suggestion would be that a new foraging thread is started for such contributions, so that potential drawbacks, & warnings can be openly discussed.
I sincerely hope that my post has not caused offense.
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No worries.:D One has been removed & the bit about the nettles is helpful.
It would be great if you feel like starting a Foragers 2016 thread. It would be really good to have a more up to date thread with new people contributing. I reckon you know your stuff! i hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed Chelle's thread.:D
I've always found foragers to be exceptionally pleasant people.
Sorry I was a bit heavy with you.
Very interesting & Very nice of the plant images!! These threads are a mark of respect to your information & Thanks for sharing this with us.
Think ive got plantain outside my house near the wall now i can check against these marvellous photos many thanks so much free food out there
Think ive got plantain outside my house near the wall now i can check against these marvellous photos many thanks so much free food out there

Plantain is very beneficial for bunnies. Btw if you find plants you are unsure of, just post a couple of pics in the foraging thread and one of us will try to identify them for you. Best is to take a pic of the whole plant, plus a close up of the leaves and any flowers :thumb:
Hi all,

First post so I’m sorry if this isn’t in the right place or if they have already been mentioned! I’m a first time rabbit owner and just very cautious of everything in the garden, so just hoping to get some help identifying some common plants/weeds and if they are safe for my buns to consume!

1) This is a rose(?) bush that falls into my garden. I read they can eat roses but…these?
2) This one is all through my garden and has bright pink flowers. I think I read there is a field and hedge version, but can’t remember its name for the life of me!
3) I think this is herb robert, but just want to clarify before feeding…
4) Just one random big leafy green that I’ve been eying up for them
5) So this one is an odd one, and one of my biggest concerns. It’s all through my garden, intertwined with the grass. Not seen it flower at all, but it seems to be a “vine” or “creeper” of some sort?
6) And finally this random weed. Absolutely 0 ideas as to what this is!IMG_3817.jpeg

Sorry for all the images, but I’m not really green fingered so want to make sure it’s all safe before letting them loose 😁
Hi and welcome to the forum :D

Yes, this is the correct place and don't worry about posting plant images, as we like a challenge :LOL:

No 1 Yes, this is a rose. Bunnies can indeed eat all parts of the rose, so petals, leaves and stems (including thorns). However, you say that this 'falls' into your garden? If the rose bush is not managed by you, you need to ensure that it hasn't been treated with any chemicals eg pesticide.

No 2 This is Field Bindweed and unfortunately is the Bindweed where the advice is not to feed in large amounts or small amounts over long periods. I do not feed this at all.

No 3 Yes, this is Herb Robert and can be fed to bunnies. You'll get to know the distinctive smell of this.

No 4 I'm not sure what this is. I may come back at a later stage on this one.

No 5 Looks the same species as No 2 to me?

No 6 This is a Potentilla, so a Cinquefoil or Tormentil. I suspect it is non-toxic, but I've never fed it and I've not seen it recommended for bunnies.

The general advice for feeding any new food to a bunny is to give a small amount of just one species. That way you can monitor for any changes to digestion/poo.

I would recommend Foraging for Rabbits, if you want to do your own identification. It's available here

An alternative place on the forum to post about foraging wild plants for bunnies is here

Agree with Omi, as always.:)
No 4 looks a bit like a primula to me.

I wouldn't feed field bindweed to rabbits. I have (finally) persuaded some furries to eat the hedge variety with larger white trumpet flowers - I have LOTS on the allotment, so it's nice to have a use for some of it - finally.
Agree with Omi, as always.:)
No 4 looks a bit like a primula to me.

I wouldn't feed field bindweed to rabbits. I have (finally) persuaded some furries to eat the hedge variety with larger white trumpet flowers - I have LOTS on the allotment, so it's nice to have a use for some of it - finally.
I thought that 4 looked like a primula too, but then I saw that it had been nibbled by slugs and I've never known slugs nibble a primula :D I also wondered if it was slightly shiny!

My bunnies absolutely love Hedge Bindweed.
I thought that 4 looked like a primula too, but then I saw that it had been nibbled by slugs and I've never known slugs nibble a primula :D I also wondered if it was slightly shiny!

My bunnies absolutely love Hedge Bindweed.
Would you like me to send you some more??? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I thought that 4 looked like a primula too, but then I saw that it had been nibbled by slugs and I've never known slugs nibble a primula :D I also wondered if it was slightly shiny!

My bunnies absolutely love Hedge Bindweed.
You mean the invasive stuff? That's always trying to choke out my plants? 😂
Hi all,

First post so I’m sorry if this isn’t in the right place or if they have already been mentioned! I’m a first time rabbit owner and just very cautious of everything in the garden, so just hoping to get some help identifying some common plants/weeds and if they are safe for my buns to consume!

1) This is a rose(?) bush that falls into my garden. I read they can eat roses but…these?
View attachment 2181
2) This one is all through my garden and has bright pink flowers. I think I read there is a field and hedge version, but can’t remember its name for the life of me!
View attachment 2182
3) I think this is herb robert, but just want to clarify before feeding…
View attachment 2183
4) Just one random big leafy green that I’ve been eying up for them
View attachment 2184
5) So this one is an odd one, and one of my biggest concerns. It’s all through my garden, intertwined with the grass. Not seen it flower at all, but it seems to be a “vine” or “creeper” of some sort?
View attachment 2185
6) And finally this random weed. Absolutely 0 ideas as to what this is!View attachment 2186

Sorry for all the images, but I’m not really green fingered so want to make sure it’s all safe before letting them loose 😁
If you are on FB I recommend joining this Group

You mean the invasive stuff? That's always trying to choke out my plants? 😂
That's the one :D Just make sure it's Hedge rather than Field and let them try it. It's one of the few plants that Tui runs off with.