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Oreo ...September 2009 - October 2014

I apologise for my late response to this thread. Oreo was obviously a very happy Bunny and I am so sorry that you have lost him :cry:

RIP Oreo xx
I'm so sorry that you lost Oreo Kath, he was such a special RU bun.

I remember roughly when you joined RU, partly because it wasn't long after I joined, and I loved seeing your pics and then hearing about Charlie and Mittens joining them, and then that lovely huge run you built them. I remember the night you lost Oreo and my heart went out for you, I was so worried you wouldn't find him and it was such a relief for all of us I think when you found him under the car. I also remember when the bond broke down but then again when it was successful, and then later, when you sadly lost Charlie.

I feel like we got our buns and grew our bunny families around the same sorts of time (although it was much later that we have been able to have a quad). Oreo always stood out as such a beautiful bunny with a big character.

I'm so sorry for your sudden loss. Thinking of you. Sleep tight Oreo, you will be missed xxx
Awe no :cry: I remember the drama of when he went MIA little rascal! Im so very sorry you've lost him, Binky free Oreo x
Thank you all so much , it's lovely that so many of you remember Oreo as I'm not on here so much these days! I miss him :(