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    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Mucus-y caecotrophs (be warned: gross photos)

It's not good this morning. :( There were two small piles of shapeless, very wet poop, with some mucus, too, which is actually worse than last week. I assume they're his. I'll call the vets this morning, as something clearly still not right. I wonder if he might need some prebiotics or something... He's still behaving and eating just fine, but we all know bunnies hide illness, so I don't know if he's actually feeling fine.
I am glad to hear he is improving. You must be relieved.
Sending vibes he continues to do well.
Aw, thank you, bunny momma. I think you might have missed my last post, because his poops are worse again this morning. :( I just called the vets and they'll get back to me this afternoon, so we'll see what the vet says.
The vet called and suggested we try some pre/probiotics, so we were thinking the same thing, it seems. They don't sell it (Protexin Fibreplex) themselves, so I've ordered it and hopefully Casper can start taking it tomorrow. I think I remember from last time he took it that he ate it willingly from a dish, so that would be nice if he did that again. I hope it'll help him.
I'm sorry the normal pooping wasn't sustained. I hope the fibreplex works & Casper will eat it willingly, like last time
I'm sorry to read this, I hope Casper gets better. But fibreflex, you thought well, I suggest you buy a few boxes of it, I also learned about it thanks to @Graciee , Cookie liked its taste too, I hope Casper likes it too 🩷🩷
I'm sorry the normal pooping wasn't sustained. I hope the fibreplex works & Casper will eat it willingly, like last time
Thank you, j&b.

I'm sorry to read this, I hope Casper gets better. But fibreflex, you thought well, I suggest you buy a few boxes of it, I also learned about it thanks to @Graciee , Cookie liked its taste too, I hope Casper likes it too 🩷🩷
Thank you, too, KCG. I forgot to ask the vet how long he should take it, so I only ordered one. I guess I can always order more if it helps. It's good to hear that Cookie liked how it tasted, too.
Look at the things that are coming out of him. He's having croissant-shaped poops:


No wonder he seems uncomfortable in the litter tray, poor boy.
I found more croissant-shaped poops this morning as well as some fecal poops with mucus. Don't worry, I won't post photos. 😁 The Fibreplex is being delivered this afternoon, so hopefully it'll be helpful.
Thank you, j&b.

Thank you, too, KCG. I forgot to ask the vet how long he should take it, so I only ordered one. I guess I can always order more if it helps. It's good to hear that Cookie liked how it tasted, too.
Frankly I'm not sure if it has a limited time, because this is just a supportive thing, I used it for about 1 month. I hope it's good for Casper too 🩷🩷
Frankly I'm not sure if it has a limited time, because this is just a supportive thing, I used it for about 1 month. I hope it's good for Casper too 🩷🩷
Oh, I see. One of them will last Casper about 5 days, so it sounds like I might have to buy a few more, like you said. Thank you for hoping it'll be good for little Casper.
I am sorry Casper had more mucus poo and hope the Fiberflex helps him. The odd shape may be due to inflammation.

Sending him more positive vibes.
I am sorry Casper had more mucus poo and hope the Fiberflex helps him. The odd shape may be due to inflammation.

Sending him more positive vibes.
Thank you, bunny momma. That does sound possible, from what I've been reading... He's had the Fibreplex since Tuesday, and so far there hasn't been any difference, but I don't know how long it needs to work. He likes it a lot, though, and very enthusiastically licks it off his little dish. ❤️
That didn't last long. :( There were more mucus poops last night, and this morning when I got up there was so much. Some of it just pure mucus without even any poops. I'm so worried about my boy. :( Thankfully my own vets have weekend duty this weekend, so I'll call them later and see if they can help. I don't think the Fibreplex is doing much.
Sorry to hear this, poor boy, hope the vets can suggest something else for him, hope visit goes well x
Thank you, Pets mum and bunny momma. I called the vets and the vet I talked to said that because he's eating well it can wait until we're there on Tuesday for their laser therapy, that they'll take another look at him then, but to contact them if he gets worse.