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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Matted fur around bum very grumpy rabbit please advise!

I couldn't get hold of her straight away, so i thought oh i'll ask here cause they seem like a helpful bunch. i didn't expect to get bombarded when i didn't have time to find an out of hours emergency vet when i had to be at work. yes i did post from work, this website isn't blocked on their system.

For those of you who are actually interested in my bunny's welfare you'll be pleased to know that when i got home last night she was binkying around her pen and climbing up to see me. I gave her some pellets and she immediately went and started munching. Her bum was still a bit messy but she had tried to clean herself as there were little bits of fur on the floor.

This morning when i got up she is totally clean and fine. Scoffing hay, jumping around and chewing her toys. She still doesn't like being picked up but that has been as issue for a few days now, and we are taking her to see our vet-breeder on friday so she can give her a full health check.

And to whoever said tummy gurgling is bad, you want to check your facts before you give 'advise', one way you know a rabbits gut is still working is if you can hear soft gurgles, if there is no sound thats when you worry.

I am glad she seems to be ok today. :)
Glad to hear she is feeling better :)

Our vet just advised to keep one of our buns off pellets and veggies and just on hay due to problems with a dirty bum today.

Good luck with the vet trip on Friday.
I couldn't get hold of her straight away, so i thought oh i'll ask here cause they seem like a helpful bunch. i didn't expect to get bombarded when i didn't have time to find an out of hours emergency vet when i had to be at work. yes i did post from work, this website isn't blocked on their system.

For those of you who are actually interested in my bunny's welfare you'll be pleased to know that when i got home last night she was binkying around her pen and climbing up to see me. I gave her some pellets and she immediately went and started munching. Her bum was still a bit messy but she had tried to clean herself as there were little bits of fur on the floor.

This morning when i got up she is totally clean and fine. Scoffing hay, jumping around and chewing her toys. She still doesn't like being picked up but that has been as issue for a few days now, and we are taking her to see our vet-breeder on friday so she can give her a full health check.

And to whoever said tummy gurgling is bad, you want to check your facts before you give 'advise', one way you know a rabbits gut is still working is if you can hear soft gurgles, if there is no sound thats when you worry.

That 'may' be so however my judgement of your experience with rabbits was based on the fact that you were not taking an ill bunny to the vets, and therefore I could not be sure you knew the difference between a healthy sound and not. You seemed (to me) to be very inexperienced based on the questions you had asked.

Very often a bun that is going into Ileus or suffering with excessive gas will present with all the symptoms you described plus a very gurgly tummy. Both issues are excruciatingly painful for the rabbit and (in my opinion) the bunny should not be left and 'hope' it gets better whilst your're at work.

I stand by the comments I made although I'm sorry you do not agree with them
I am glad your rabbit is acting more normally again.

You know it's a difficult situation when someone comes on for advice, of course there is a chance bun could be fine in the morning but likewise there is a chance will be much worse by morning and especially with a bun so young, too poorly to pull through so it is best to err on the side of caution - we wouldn't want you back on here shouting that we said bun would be ok and she's not would we.

Can I ask what brand of pellets you are using as some find Excell cause the sort of messy bottom problems you mention. This can be the case even if bun has tollerated them well in the past. Also, have you been feeding any treats? With regard to veg and herbs etc IMO once bun is used to them it is best to keep to a daily routine of feeding rather than feeding it every few days, of course you can vary the veg each day provided bun has been introduced to each one in isolation without problem. Equally there is no problem with not feeding any veg, or pellets for that matter.

I do hope your bun remains well and that you stick around at least long enough to realise that there is a wealth of knowledge here.
The grumpyness could be hormones kicking in, 12 weeks is a little early but not impossible. If is continues and she gets aggressive when you go in her space then spaying may well sort it out.