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Alpha Buck

Only had this piggy a few months. :cry: He was neautered before Xmas, and went to live with my 2 eldely girls, on new years day. After a life on his own for a couple of years or so i could find out about him.
He didnt seem his chirpy self, so i brought him in and nursed him. But by the next morning he had gone to the bridge. :cry:
He had such a character, used to nod his head when you fused him. He loved fuss, and was so happy with his girls. Didn't chatter much till he went to live with them.
Only had him for 4 months, but think it was proably the best 4 months he had with his girls. Popcorn to the bridge, little pig where Sparkle will look after you for me. :cry::cry::cry:
Am very sorry. He was lovely. At least you have the comfort of knowing you gave him a happy few months. xx

Goodbye Marley x