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Wise Old Thumper
June 2009 - 28th December 2014

10 weeks old with ears that nearly touched the ground!

You loved Molly and followed her everywhere. You annoyed her sometimes but she sure is missing you now :(

You loved your time in the garden, especially eating all the plants!

On Friday, he had his tea and ate half of it and suddenly ran away behind the settee. I thought he was having another of his tummy episodes so left him until morning.

Yesterday he hadn't eaten his food but he still had stomach sounds and ate some dandelions and drank some water.

This morning I rushed down at 5am to check on him and he was lying in his littertray, I thought he had died. He was completely flat and out of it. I picked him up and he was floppy. I wrapped him in a blanket and sat holding him for about an hour. I thought again that he had passed away but he was still faintly breathing.

I put him on the floor and he couldn't move, his legs had completely gone. I picked him back up and sat holding him whilst OH phoned the emergency vet. I sat with Louie on my lap in the car, he didn't move the whole 30 minute journey.

The vet checked him over and she said that he was barely alive. She thought either EC or some other nasty thing had happened in his brain.

I had to make the awful decision to have him PTS :(

I took this photo only a few days ago, he looked so cute :love:

I miss you so very much Louie, the house is very empty without you :( I miss you dancing around me at meal times, I miss you nudging me with your nose when I was standing in your way, I miss sitting with you on the floor and fussing you for hours on end, I miss your floppy little ears and your little smudgy nose.

We had 5 fabulous years together, my Louie. Sleep tightly now, little man, forever in my heart xxxxxxxxx
It's so awful to lose a bun so suddenly, I really feel for you. Binky free Louie & know that you are loved
I'm so very sorry you lost him :cry: he was gorgeous, and I'm sure he knew just how loved he was :love:

Binky free at the bridge Louie. Thinking of you and sending hugs xx
Kate, I really was so upset you lost Louie. He was an amazing little bunny and I always enjoyed your stories and photos of Louie, I know he will be greatly missed. It must have been so hard to say goodbye.:cry: Hugs xxxxx
Thank you everyone and thank you Jane for the beautiful photo of my gorgeous boy.

Molly was looking behind the settee for him this morning, we are all missing him terribly :(
Louie was such a gorgeous boy, I love his baby photo and the one of him chilled out beside Molly :love:
Binky free gorgeous sweet handsome boy, I hope you have fun at the bridge with all the other RU bunnies xx
I'm so sorry for your loss :( I felt like I knew Louie through the forum and I'm going to miss him too :(

RIP Louie.