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Looking for a run OR to have one built.....where do I find one or someone?


Warren Veteran
Hi everyone,

Ive met a lady who was given my name as she had a stray rabbit in her garden that after a couplle weeks no one claimed. Its a gorgeous little buck which she has since got neutered and vaccinated.

She has just bought a hutch with a tiny run underneath..its way too small.. .so she is thinking about getting a run to go next to it...I bought a run years ago myself off ebay but was thinking you guys probably have more up todate info on where I can guide her to buying a meshed sturdy high run.

OR does anyone know if she could get quoted on a run being built for her....she has a nice amount of room to allocate...she is just finind it hard to find someone who actually returns her calls or comes back with a quote.

She does not want to spend loads...but this bunny def needs more room to be in and also more security..its on the grass at the moment with only slabs one side..so am concerned about foxes especially.

The run can either be L shaped OR normal rectangle.

OR she is even happy to use a small stone wall that is one side to be used to make it secure and pretty.....basically use the space by building it...

We are based in Ware Town, Hertfordshire.

thanks guys :)
There is a company on Facebook called Moore Space For Pets who does custom built runs.

The usual group of hutch builders like Welfare Hutches (on forum not sure of name), Boyles Pet Housing (Daniel - forum name), Happy Hutch, Ryedale Pet Housing and The HutchMan (on forum) also make custom runs as well.
The Hutchman built my run and it's a thing of beauty and very reasonably priced, but it would recommend contacting him ASAP as he's only doing a couple of things before Christmas I believe. Good luck with your hunt!
When I was looking, I found a number on Gumtree (if you can stomach ignoring the 'plus rabbit/s' adverts :S) that would have been suitable.
I've just asked Dave at ukrabbithutches to do mine. Very cheap compared to other quotes I got. Does custom orders. Has got a bit confused with what I wanted but I did change my mind once or twice!
thanks - thats great to know...cheers! The lady bought a small houses for it - nightmare to clean & no running space but maybe by now she has enlardged it. But now Im looking for myself..lol

I've just asked Dave at ukrabbithutches to do mine. Very cheap compared to other quotes I got. Does custom orders. Has got a bit confused with what I wanted but I did change my mind once or twice!
Kernow Pet Housing is good. I've just ordered a hutch and run from them and they make it to your specifications. They respond very quickly as well.
Welfare hutch company will make runs to your spec. I had a hutch and two runs from,them. Really well made and strong.

They delivered and assembled the runs for me.
Thankyou very much... Ive got a lot to get sorted now. And to of course get the OH to agree....and things are up in the air right now so..