I work in a local pet shop in Fife during the weekends. I have worked there for over a year now and to be completely honest the majority of the time i hate it.
When i first started i knew nothing and had no pets except 2 dogs. I got two rabbits and one of them had babies unknowingly. I have kept all 4 babies so now have 6 rabbits. After my rabbit had babies i started to sit for hours finding out everything i could on bunnies and found this site which has helped me alot.
Anyway in my shop our animals get cleaned everyday with fresh food and water and at the end of the day get a bundle of hay (which i think they should have all the time) we never keep rabbits and guinea pigs together and tell customers not to keep them together. We give advice on Myxi, housing, food and cleaning.
What i disagree is my collegues sell the smallest hutch/cage they can with the rabbits so the customer wont mind paying for it. And on occasion my colleges have FORGOTTEN to tell the customer to buy hay, which is very vital to the diet. Now my colleges have rabbits or guinea pigs of their own so how can they forget something s importana.
Another thing i hate is some customers come into the shop with their children, the kids see cute fluffy bunnies, want one and ask for one, so their parents buy an animal without thinking about who will take the responsibility when the kids get "BORED" with their pet.
Also the shop i work in sell almost no rabbit toys and so many unhealthy treats, i go to pets at home as they sell a larger variety of toys, so im going against my shop and paying more money for my bunnies.
My bunnies are my heart and soul, they are not just 'PETS' to me they are my friends and a part of the family. My little girl fudge is my BEST BEST friend, she is the only one i can turn to when i need someone. They say dog is a mans best friend, well rabbits are mine.
I wish people would treat them like they have feelings, because they do and they depend on us to live. Give them a chanceto be happy and they will give you and lifetime of happiness.