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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Katy is not eating u/d much better

Thank you for your support :love:

I know she is not out of the woods just yet but I will be keeping a close eye on her and taking her for her check up tomorrow morning.
Thank you for your support :love:

I know she is not out of the woods just yet but I will be keeping a close eye on her and taking her for her check up tomorrow morning.

she's heading in the right dirrection - always good news in my book ;):thumb:
Welcome Home Katy!.. back to full speed soon. Soooo Glad she's back and sure sounds like she's on the mend (plus she has a pefect bunny mum).. (((( )))) awesome news!:)
She is still only nibbling this morning (grass, blackberry leaves) and not as bouncy as last night when I brought her home. We are back to the vets at 10am.
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She is still only nibbling this morning and not as bouncy as last night when I brought her home. We are back to the vets at 10am.

Could her teeth be an issue ?

Hope she will be 100% better soon, I know how stressful it is when a Bunny remains 'not right' for a protracted amount of time.
She has been admitted to the vets this afternoon for some oral fluids (as I am not confident), some more metoclopromide and metacam. She has already had zantac and baytril this morning.

Vet said there is not much in her tummy. I did ask about teeth so think they are going to check.

I will pick her up later.
Thank you for asking Jane.

She has had more metoclopromide and painkillers. They said she has been eating critical care willingly out of a syringe. I am just letting her settle back in and she has eaten some hawthorn but is not interested in pellets or spring cabbage. She has also had a drink of water.

No poo today while she was in :(

I will try her with some more critical care.
Sorry to hear she still hasn't pooed. These things take time sometimes. I think the crucial thing now is getting her to eat as much as you can by her self - dandelions, sow thistle, hawthorn, apples leaves, willow etc but if she is only nibbling then I would be inclined to get as much syringe food in as you can every few hours to fill her tummy back up and help it move along, once it is she will feel much more like self eating naturally. I would also syringe in some oral fluids alongside the sub-cuts. It will help, it all helps. More vibes for her x
Thanks Prettylupin. I have never really had to deal with statis before but I am trying to do all the right things.

She has taken 15ml of critical care from me about 7.30 and then she took some parsley and coriander (all willingly). she licks the critical care from the syringe. She is still sitting around really and not showing much interest. She had a hawthorn twig about 1ft long earlier. No interest in pro-fibre pellets or her bunny basics pellets.

What is a reasonable amount of critical care you would expect to give a bun and how often? I will also attempt to orally syringe some fluids but she is not the easiest bunny :roll:

ETA - just spoken to vet and unless she improves overnight she will be going in for x-rays tomorrow.
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Thanks for asking Jane.

Last night 11.30 – 12.00 she ate approx 2/3 of a spring cabbage leaf, coriander and some critical care. She drank some water out of the bowl and also took about half of the Pro B via syringe.

This morning at 6.30 am she had not eaten anything at all overnight and there was no wee/poo.
Put her in the garden and she did a wee and some small poo (maybe 6-7). I “think” she may have eaten some caetrophs “directly” as she looked like she was eating them.

No interest in critical care again this morning. Had a couple of pieces of coriander and only a nibble at some hawthorn. She had a small drink of water. She is only really nibbling when you hand feed her too.

I think she has just sat in the same place all night. This morning she is moving around the garden but then lying down quite a bit. We will be taking her back to the vet this morning for some x-rays and anything else he thinks is necessary. She is not as bad as she was on Friday night but most certainly still not herself.
It sounds to me like she is tentatively improving gut wise and things are starting to move. I would suggest you request some more sub-cut fluids whilst you are at the vet today for Xrays. If all is clear on Xray then keep going with the food and fluids - you are doing brilliantly and it is having an effect most definitely! :thumb: If you are doing metclopramide and ranitidine are you doing it 2x daily or 3x daily. 3xdaily can help to get things moving in the early stages provided you are still getting food in. Because she is self feeding I would really encourage this as much as you can. Can you pick some dandelions and sow thistles somewhere? I found some for Poppy when she was in stasis last week and those and apple leaves was all she would self eat for a day or two. It's great she is eating the herbs you have put out - put out some more - whatever is green and she will eat will get things moving. When she feels better she will start to try hay and pellets. Also really wet any leaves you put out so she gets additional fluids. Fingers crossed Xrays are all clear and it is just uncomplicated unresolved ileus/stasis x
Katie sounds as if she is making slow but steady progress!!!

She definitely isn't heading backwards.

Come on Katie......we're all willing you on.:thumb::love::love: