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John Joe :-( U/D 9th August Much Better :-)

Oh no I´m so sorry :cry:
I also think the symtoms would have appeared when using the flamazine if there were a connection but I´m no expert of course.
Lots of vibes for him, we are thinking of you.
JJ is slightly less ataxic this morning and so far no more seizures. Still no head tilt or nystagmus, but his eyes are ‘glazed over’. He is eating with a bit more enthusiasm and without falling over all the time. Any improvement can only be due to the anti inflammatory effects of Metacam, he has not been on the other meds for long enough for them to have a therapeutic effect.

Thanks for your support folks x
JJ is slightly less ataxic this morning and so far no more seizures. Still no head tilt or nystagmus, but his eyes are ‘glazed over’. He is eating with a bit more enthusiasm and without falling over all the time. Any improvement can only be due to the anti inflammatory effects of Metacam, he has not been on the other meds for long enough for them to have a therapeutic effect.

Thanks for your support folks x

I am so glad he is a bit better today, it sounds an awful situation. My best wishes to you and John Joe and for his continued improvement xxx
Lots more vibes for JJ from me, too. It's good to hear that he hasn't had more seizures and is a bit more enthusiastic about his food, and isn't falling over as much. Still keeping John-Joe and Dara and you in my thoughts, and hoping for more improvement.