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Inspector Morse~ 2nd February 2014. A Tribute to a Legend

A wonderful tribute, with such beautiful photo's.

He will always be beside you, watching over you, and giving you strength when you feel you have none.

RIP Inspector Morse & hugs to you Jane xx
I'm sat here in tears :cry: Jane I'm so very sorry, he was a very very special bunny and it was clear he loved you, what a wonderful life you gave him.

Binky free gorgeous boy, my favourite RU bunny xxxx
RIP and binky free wonderful rabbit. He had a life worth living, that's for sure.

Hugs to you Jane at this time, and wishing you comfort and peace xx
I have not been online for a few days and have just seen this. I am alone but actually said oh no out loud. I am so so sorry for the loss of lovely Morse - but what a wonderful life he had with you. In all of your agonizing grief please try and hold onto that. Takecare and sincere condolences x x
I am heart broken to read that Morse passed. Words fail me but my thoughts are with you. Morse was such a special one of a kind rabbit and had the best life that he could have with you.
No words, except to say RIP beautiful Morse. :cry:

Your memory will never fade.

Jane, thinking of you. xxxxx
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I've only just seen this. I'm so sorry, thoughts are with you. RIP gorgeous boy xx

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I have only just caught up with this too having been "off forum"for abit.Im so sorry Jane.He was a truly special boy.:cry:Binky free lovely Morse