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Hi new to this site wanted to say Hello and ask a question

Hi everyone.. Please can I ask what vegetables you feed you're bunnies? And how often. Who got males neutered? And what age? Would you advise neutering?
My Boy is 16 weeks and been with us 4 weeks and settled in lovely. Thank you x


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Hello 😀

Best source of information about everything related to the care of Rabbits, including the importance of neutering, vaccination, diet and why Rabbits should not be kept alone can be found here

Your Bunny is very cute ❤️
Hello & welcome.
Awww, what a handsome boy :love: my boys have always come via rescue so already neutered. It makes them much calmer, happier & of course makes it possible for you to get him a (spayed) girlfriend. I believe its possible to neuter boys as soon as their testicles have descended so a vet appt to discuss is probably imminent.

The common veg fed to bunnies are herbs (basil, coriander, mint, thyme, dill, parsley), Spring greens, kale....think green & leafy. You can also forage for your rabbits greens - there are so many wild plants they can eat (we can help you get started & help you ID plants) & Spring is an excellent time to learn
Useful links for anything rabbit: