Hi everyone I am really at between a rock and a hard place and hoping some of you can help…here’s my story (bare with)
We got 2 baby bunnies in August for our son and daughter after the loss of a dog which left them heart broken (we couldn’t commit to another pooch at this time) the buns were from different litters but born a week apart and together from start so bonded fine 1 dwarf lop (buttons) and the other dwarf lop x Rex (twiglet) (both male) I was told by the breeder they may be fine together and if problems occur just get 1 neutered. from the very beginning the pure dwarf had a chilled personality and very quickly bonded with us humans and was easy to please and look after, the other however was always a lot harder, never trusting and difficult to even stroke.
Fast forward 3 months and the not so nice one (twiglet) began humping….a lot. The last week it became very persistent and aggressive about it to the point where they are now separated. The other one doesn’t retaliate bless him just lays and takes it eventho he is having his hair torn out in the process
. They have been separated for the last few days until I got Xmas out the way. And my first thought was well I’m just going to have to get him neutered now.
But (and now please don’t judge me) am I a bad person for not wanting to fork out £175
(What the vet quoted me) neutering a bunny which is now so antisocial he won’t even be touched unless he’s eating his food
…knowing that they may not be able to rebond and may end up fighting.
My son (11) bless his heart has tried everything to get him to like him, toys, treats, training, basket lap time. And with age he has just gotten worse and worse, meanwhile the other one (my daughters) is so chilled it’s like a bloody dog, hops round the lounge, and plonks itself on your lap, super cuddly and not scared at all. So you can imagine my sons upset and disappointment everytime he so much as tries to stroke his and it runs and hides
Here is my question - if I pay for twiglet to be neutered is it likely to help his personality problem and be friendly so my son has a friend? And do you think they will rebond and live out life a happy male male couple as before?
Or am I better off trying to rehome him (I’m sorry) while he’s still very young and trying to find another friend for buttons and my son who is a little more relaxed? And if this is the best option am I better off getting a female? My only concern with that being Iv read females are not as kind.
Any thoughts without judgement hugely appreciated I’m so upset about the whole thing, Iv now got a sad boy, a rampant bunny and 2 lonely ones
photo is buttons the super chill bunny with my 5 yo daughter having morning cuddles (he regularly sleeps like this)
We got 2 baby bunnies in August for our son and daughter after the loss of a dog which left them heart broken (we couldn’t commit to another pooch at this time) the buns were from different litters but born a week apart and together from start so bonded fine 1 dwarf lop (buttons) and the other dwarf lop x Rex (twiglet) (both male) I was told by the breeder they may be fine together and if problems occur just get 1 neutered. from the very beginning the pure dwarf had a chilled personality and very quickly bonded with us humans and was easy to please and look after, the other however was always a lot harder, never trusting and difficult to even stroke.
Fast forward 3 months and the not so nice one (twiglet) began humping….a lot. The last week it became very persistent and aggressive about it to the point where they are now separated. The other one doesn’t retaliate bless him just lays and takes it eventho he is having his hair torn out in the process

But (and now please don’t judge me) am I a bad person for not wanting to fork out £175
(What the vet quoted me) neutering a bunny which is now so antisocial he won’t even be touched unless he’s eating his food

My son (11) bless his heart has tried everything to get him to like him, toys, treats, training, basket lap time. And with age he has just gotten worse and worse, meanwhile the other one (my daughters) is so chilled it’s like a bloody dog, hops round the lounge, and plonks itself on your lap, super cuddly and not scared at all. So you can imagine my sons upset and disappointment everytime he so much as tries to stroke his and it runs and hides

Here is my question - if I pay for twiglet to be neutered is it likely to help his personality problem and be friendly so my son has a friend? And do you think they will rebond and live out life a happy male male couple as before?
Or am I better off trying to rehome him (I’m sorry) while he’s still very young and trying to find another friend for buttons and my son who is a little more relaxed? And if this is the best option am I better off getting a female? My only concern with that being Iv read females are not as kind.
Any thoughts without judgement hugely appreciated I’m so upset about the whole thing, Iv now got a sad boy, a rampant bunny and 2 lonely ones

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