Mischief and Tinker's Mum
Wise Old Thumper
Can anyone recommend a decent sized hay rack? I've heard too many horror stories about rabbits getting their heads stuck in them so would like some recommendations please!
Ooh gosh yeah that was years ago but it kept falling off as the buns kept jumping in!I use wire hanging (plant) baskets, with the chain really short so they can't climb in (and get legs caught). You can pull it up with the chains and hook right against eg the roof or side of a wire run. I can see a similar idea in one of your signature pics, with a wall basket
Some magazine racks work quite well as floor hay racks, and are essentially very similar to some of the posh wooden hay racks.
Old style wire shopping basket on a couple of bricks?
Thank you, some good ideas! I love how buns are so nosey and get into everything!I've got a hanging basket with a stool underneath, although I put it on the floor once for like 2s and Lopsy got into it and panicked I've use the half-sphere baskets as hayracks on their side with 2/3 of the open end chickenwired shut, but you need a hook to hang them on. Lopsy and Aboleth used to knock it off anyway and eat it from the open 1/3, although Lopsy couldn't work out how to move it out of the way when it got in front of the hutch entrance and trapped him in there I also have a wire windowbox attached to the playhouse wall with the fancy front chickenwired which becomes the top when 'shut', but they sit on it XD So, it sits in two hooks in 'the usual place' on the back-top if it was a real windowbox when I fill it up, they 'flips' so the front top attaches to the wall (I used copper wire to create loops that fit onto hooks in the wall). Now the front of the box is the top, and the bunnies sit on that, although I haven't seen either of them up there for ages so hopefully they're too elderly now XD