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Flystrike - horrified

oh gosh i am so sorry to hear this. hugs to you. and bink free poppy. you did everything you could. sometimes these things just happen :(
Run free little bun :(

Hugs to you Janeliz, i feel for you awfully.

Biscuit's a house bun and a nightmare to catch, so i'll be confining him and giving him a good looking at later. I think this is a reminder to us all how delicate our little buns are.

Enjoy making friends and binkying at the bridge little bun x
im so so so sorry. It is awful isnt it :( I lost a bun to flystrike a few years ago. never really got over it. He was an outside bun and it is unusual for inside buns to get it but theres always that small chance. You don't know when poppy got the maggots so please dont blame yourself. You obviously cared for her very well. She sounded very spoilt and happy.

I hope your ok.
I'm really sorry :( You did everything you could though, even the most vigilant person misses things sometimes so please don't blame yourself *hugs*
I'm really sorry this happened to your bun. Please don't blame yourself. It really is a matter of odds that a bunny will get this or not. I think alot of owners do there very best to stop this happening but it doesn't mean they will be successful. I have flys around my bunnys outside as they are out in runs and it's unpreventable and have never had a case of this ever, fingers crossed, but i can imagine how hard this must be for you having it happen to an indoor bun.

I'm truly sorry and i know atleast your bun is out of pain now, and you obviously loved your bunny alot. It is just probability statistic that a bunny will get this. It isn't down to care. I've had bunnys in sheds and i've had to put fly strips up because they have been attracted by the buns, but they have never got this fingers crossed. Flys are part of life and it's just very very unlucky your bun went though this.

Lots of love to you and your angel bun- sleep tight little one xx
Ambience xx
Poppy did sometimes get a 'mucky bottom', no real health issues and she didn't mind at all me cleaning her nether regions and scent glands. This was why I was always trying to take precautions againt flies, guess I missed something yesterday and that proved catastrophic for us. She was just over five and a half years old so still active but I must admit, like many of us, keeping her weight down was a bit of a struggle, particularly in the winter when she couldn't go out in the garden.
Just hope she's running free and happy now.

Awww don't blame yourself - it's a valuable message to everyone though that we do need to be vigilant even with 'healthy' buns and that weight is important in terms of self grooming etc. (((hugs))) horrible way to lose your bunny.
I'm so sorry to hear this, you can't blame yourselves. My understanding is it can happen to anyone really, no matter how vigilant, adn this proves it. I am now panicking (again) because my 2 are outdoor buns. I asked the vet about rearguarding them and she said she used to rearguard everything that came in but now she only does it if they have a tendency to have mucky bums because some buns have a reaction to the rearguard. I have loads of plants that are supposed to repel insects around their hutch and run and I look at their bottoms (as far as I can, it's not their favourite and I'm still trying to be known as nice mummy not mean mummy).
So so sorry :cry:
So sorry for your loss:cry:

Please dont blame yourself, you sound like a caring bunny owner who has done their best x
Sorry for your loss. :( Sounds like you were so careful too, but at least Poppy didn't suffer for long. Hopefully you have lots of happy memories :) of your special girl that will be a comfort in time.
So so sorry for your loss :love: Please dont blame yourself, you have been a great Bunny mum & I am sure Poppy knows that xxx
I'm so sorry. Like everyone else has said please don't blame yourself. If you know and Poppy knew that you did everything you physically could to prevent this then there's nothing more you can do and no fingers to be pointed.

Binky free x