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Flea's - advantage the thing to use? vets suggested Xeno 450???


Warren Veteran
Hi all.:wave:

Ok so I religiously give my buns a body check over most days whilst handling them...but last night was snuggled into Archie with my head. Went to the loo and felt something odd on my face and looked in the mirror and Im sure it was a flea cause it jumped about. :shock::?
The buns have never had fleas..ever.

We have a hedgehog in the garden but as far as I know they flea host specified.
We do have cats coming through though.

Anyway - the buns are not scratching or anything & not looking uncomfortable & Ive searched...so hard in their thick fur though...but now im paranoid!

Im not going to be treating them unless i see more (OR should I??) BUT is Advantage the right one to use? can i get it online and not have the further costs of going to the vets ?

Whats the usual price. I would want enough for 3 buns.

Think i might try get some for the medicial box in case.
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There is rabbit advantage. Mr B lives inside as a single boy, we have no carpets or a cat or a dog but he still managed to get fleas. My vet treated him and gave me the rest of the packet, I don't know how much it cost.

I would treat them all especially as it is summer time and the fleas will be flourishing at this time of year.
There is rabbit advantage. Mr B lives inside as a single boy, we have no carpets or a cat or a dog but he still managed to get fleas. My vet treated him and gave me the rest of the packet, I don't know how much it cost.

I would treat them all especially as it is summer time and the fleas will be flourishing at this time of year.

Hi - thanks hun...good to know...I'm going to ring my vet to see if they sell it. I hope they do :D

Im freaked out man...i keep feeling itchy...lol....Im vacumming like mad later & washing all their blankets....I htink you right - its the itm eof year & Im just not used to seeing them.

If anyone else know the general prices please? thanks

£10 seems quite alot for one sachet which I presume treats one rabbit. Does anyone kow how long the treatments last for...?



Rang my vets - they are happy to do a free flea check & I just pay for the treatment.

But they would have to order advantage in - they only have Xeno 450?

Can anyone tell me the difference between these two treatments?
side effects?

Ive no idea.

thanks all

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I get mine from vet UK (get a bit of a discount for buying more than one), around £10 I think. Switched to using it on the cats too, as has OH on his cats.

Box has four pipettes in it (one dose per pipette), you can treat rabbits up to every week. Once you've got rid of any fleas you don't need to treat them as often of course. I keep some in just in case (I have two cats, uncles three dogs visit often) but don't use it often unless I'm concerned they're at risk. Mine are indoors.

If you do end up with fleas, you'll need to spray your house too. Better to be aggressive right away than to let the little :censored:s get in.
I went away for a couple of weeks and my bun was looked after by a friend and her cat gave my bunny fleas!! By the end of two weeks she was crawling with them - luckily she is white so I could see them.

I got advantage off of my vet can't remember how much as I have a small dog and she uses the same flea stuff (goes on weight) I would say it was no more then £15 for 3 or 4 pipettes. She only needed the one lot and was fine.

Hope they go soon! I know what it's like you start feeling like they're all over you lol! X
I get mine from vet UK (get a bit of a discount for buying more than one), around £10 I think. Switched to using it on the cats too, as has OH on his cats.

Box has four pipettes in it (one dose per pipette), you can treat rabbits up to every week. Once you've got rid of any fleas you don't need to treat them as often of course. I keep some in just in case (I have two cats, uncles three dogs visit often) but don't use it often unless I'm concerned they're at risk. Mine are indoors.

If you do end up with fleas, you'll need to spray your house too. Better to be aggressive right away than to let the little :censored:s get in.

cheers! ;-) Do you use advantage then?

Do you know anything about Xeno 450?

youre right - go mad & be aggressive is what i intend to do..OH will probley think Im going mad but rather that than flea investation. ive not seen anymore except that one. Surely there is more hiding somewhere.... :-?
I went away for a couple of weeks and my bun was looked after by a friend and her cat gave my bunny fleas!! By the end of two weeks she was crawling with them - luckily she is white so I could see them.

I got advantage off of my vet can't remember how much as I have a small dog and she uses the same flea stuff (goes on weight) I would say it was no more then £15 for 3 or 4 pipettes. She only needed the one lot and was fine.

Hope they go soon! I know what it's like you start feeling like they're all over you lol! X

thanks- very helpful about the costs. thankyou.
I know the vets can order advantage in for me...but wondered why they used Xeno 450. Never heard of it.

What a night mare about your bun..poor thing..lucky you saw them & eradicated the *******.
cheers! ;-) Do you use advantage then?

Do you know anything about Xeno 450?

youre right - go mad & be aggressive is what i intend to do..OH will probley think Im going mad but rather that than flea investation. ive not seen anymore except that one. Surely there is more hiding somewhere.... :-?

Yes I use it on my cats and rabbits when needed. I know nothing about Xeno!