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Does anybun have lino trouble?


Mama Doe
I'm planning to put lino on the downstairs hutch floor when the weather gets warmer - but seem to remember Finx not being too keen on going in the kitchen when she was a house rabbit.

Does anyone with a lino floor in their hutch/playhouse have any problems with their rabbits slipping or not liking it?
Fudge used to refuse to go on it until he saw the other buns and even now when we go to the vets and B C and D hop around he stays in the carrier :roll:

When I first got the shed I bought some nice soft lino and Chloe dug it up so my advice would be go for shiny and hard rather than soft and spongy
Ok, thanks. I was also worried about water/urine getting undernearth and ruining the wood, which is what I'm trying to prevent - will wooden batons along the edges to stop chewing be enough for this too do you think?
I havent really had a problem with this except in one corner where I underestimated my measurements by a few mm :oops:
Oops, ok thank you very much! I can't wait until it warms up and I can start! It's in need of a paint job too and I've ordered a new bedroom to go inside from aliduncan1 - looking forward to some hutch renovating :)