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Do you let your bunnies free range in the rain?

Ours have the choice, their run is an aviary attached to their play house and is open all day. Joe doesn't like getting his paws dirty-he's a rex and whilst his hocks aren't sore etc the fur is very thin. Pigwig doesn't mind at all. Petunia loves all weather, even playing in snow, binkying and skidding about! Our indoor buns don't go out that much, crackers being long haired he's like a gremlin and can't get wet or his coat felts together. He goes out in the nice weather though. Thumper doesn't like outside he's never known the outdoors-he is a pets at home adoption, and will happily sit for an hour by an open door without venturing outside. The girls are yet to be spayed so they aren't going out to cause trouble with the outdoor buns until spring now. :)
not if it is awful, but...

Mostly they like to go out anyway if it is just drizzly or even medium showers - there's lots of shelter or semi-shelter. There's a kennel with hay, but they almost never bother with that, preferring to tuck in under a conifer, or get in a dry-ish corner when the downpours are heavier. They seem a bit dim, and get themselves quite soggy, but never soaked. They look at us all grumpy if we don't put them out. If it is freezing rain we don't give them the choice, but they sulk summat rotten.
No because I supervise them free-ranging, and I don't usually fancy standing out in the rain myself :lol:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Same here.

If they're already out and it starts raining then I just grab my brolly but it's usually not long before they make their way back into the kennel.
Spenser dislikes damp paws. He also dislikes being picked up or herded into the carrier, so there have been occasions when we both got very wet. :roll:
i do, they have the choice of what to do, either sit in the dry shed or sit out in the rain. it depends on what mood they are in as to what they do...