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Do people think you're weird?

I have got up in the night to check I didn't forget their water!

I also sleep much lighter since getting the buns as I hear every noise, and go running in at every thump :roll: :lol: :oops:

I think i have answered the thread title quite well:oops:

Me too! this thread is very reassuring!:lol: Once i jumped up at 3.30am when I thought I heard a thump but it was only Annie tossing one of her toys on the floor!:lol:

I also get embarrassed sometimes (but not enough to stop) when I'm talking away to my bunnies in baby-bunny talk and the neighbours walk past my front door!:oops::roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And my auntie was over last week and looked at me with disgust when she saw Beau in the living room and said I was filthy and should have more respect for my family :roll:

Boy, she REALLY would freak if she came into MY house!!!!!:p Bunnies on the sofa, bunnies on the chairs, bunnies running around the floor, bunnies in my bed..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: