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Do people think you're weird?

I had one friend who was as nutty abut her dog so we were both thought of as weird. I don't care. Admittedly I don't have any friend's apart from my ex, but c'est la vie, the more I hear about people, the happier I am with the buns.
I couldnt agree more with anyone on here -especially to what Jane just said....
My animals *bunnies* mean more than anything in the world to me. My work mates know I am bunny obsessed and just accept it :lol: *they have no choice* my parents accept it to - but they love the bunnies to.
I wouldn't not go on holiday - but thats only cos I have an awesome Border ... I dont go out in the evening even if I am invited out - cos I like my bunnies to have as much free house/garden time before I put them to bed :oops: :oops: :lol: ... Who cares! the pubs will still be there when they have gone.
I adore my two, even though they drive me nuts sometimes.

People in work think I'm strange but I don't care. I don't get broody over human babies but a baby rabbit...

I've cancelled tutorials to take mine to the vets and had time off work for them, I've even come home early from nights out to say goodnight to them (well, I can't sleep unless I know they're OK). This might sound strange (I think it probably is) but I love my bunnies, they just accept me.

A lick on the hand from them and being able to watch them playing in the garden makes every expense and hardship (let's face it cleaning out rabbits in the rain in November is a hardship) worth it.
I love my bunnies soooooo much I can sit and watch them all day :lol: And I am pretty much always thinking about them when im at work :D I worry a lot about something happening to me and have a huge list here just incase so my family know how to homecheck, what my bunnies favourite hay and foods are, what toys they like, and a bit about their personalities and a page of questions they have to ask if they ever need to find new homes. Plus thie website and a few peoples names just incase I do get hit by a car or anything :oops: I have no idea why I have started panicking about it so much :oops: I do feel like a bit of a wierdo reading this back :oops: :oops: :oops:

People at work dont seem to think im too strange :lol: And asked for pictures of the bunnies the other day :D But we dont really have time to talk much at work so they dont hear me talk about them :lol:

I get comments about rabbit stew from some of my mums friends and they say the same thing everytime and think they are soooo funny :roll: And my auntie was over last week and looked at me with disgust when she saw Beau in the living room and said I was filthy and should have more respect for my family :roll:
I mentioned this on another thread but I have a fire evacuation plan for my buns...and have practiced it :oops:

and now I'm going to write a list like yours :lol: :oops:

People at work take the **** all the time :roll: most of it is good humored so I don't mind too much.
I mentioned this on another thread but I have a fire evacuation plan for my buns...and have practiced it :oops:

and now I'm going to write a list like yours :lol: :oops:

People at work take the **** all the time :roll: most of it is good humored so I don't mind too much.

I have a key for the back gate under a plant pot near Buu's hutch, just incase I ever need to get the bunnies out the garden quickly and cant get the keys from the house :lol: Our house caught fire when I was young and it terrifies me
I'm paranoid about fire, we live in a flat so I have worked out that if the fire started in the kitchen, which is most likely, I'd have to get the buns out through the bedroom window, I have practiced getting them into the carrier and getting the carrier out the window...oh god I sound like a nutter :oops: :oops:
I'm paranoid about fire, we live in a flat so I have worked out that if the fire started in the kitchen, which is most likely, I'd have to get the buns out through the bedroom window, I have practiced getting them into the carrier and getting the carrier out the window...oh god I sound like a nutter :oops: :oops:

I dont think you sound like a nutter :D The girl next door always smokes out her bedroom window and as far as I know she doesnt flick the cigarette ends out her window. But its right next to my window and Trip and Scarletts hutch is right below us and I do worry that she will flick one out one day if her mum walks in or something and it will land in their hutch and all the hay will catch fire :shock: I know its really unlikley but I dont go to bed until her lights are out :oops:
This is becoming a confessional :lol:

I have also worked out loads of different ways to drive to the vets in an emergancy, including where I can divert if there is traffic, which way has speed bumps, traffic lights etc.

I got paraniod about leaving the window in the bunny room open, as I was imagining they could somehow jump out, or a cat could jump in :shock: so I have to make sure I don't leave it open more than a crack, especially when I hear kids around as I think they might steal them :shock:

In every other aspect of my life I am a calm rational person :oops:
This is becoming a confessional :lol:

I have also worked out loads of different ways to drive to the vets in an emergancy, including where I can divert if there is traffic, which way has speed bumps, traffic lights etc.

I got paraniod about leaving the window in the bunny room open, as I was imagining they could somehow jump out, or a cat could jump in :shock: so I have to make sure I don't leave it open more than a crack, especially when I hear kids around as I think they might steal them :shock:

In every other aspect of my life I am a calm rational person :oops:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Im pretty calm about anything else too :lol: My family love my cat to death and I know she would be looked after :D You have actually made me feel better because I was starting to feel like a bit of a wierdo :lol:
I have got up in the night to check I didn't forget their water!

I also sleep much lighter since getting the buns as I hear every noise, and go running in at every thump :roll: :lol: :oops:

I think i have answered the thread title quite well:oops:
Sometimes I can't go to sleep unless I know their water is full, even though I know I have done it earlier :oops:

I got half way to work once and had to call my brother to get him to go and check that I hadnt shut my cat in Buu's run with her when I fed her because she will normally sit in there with me :lol: I knew I had checked but started doubting myself then I didnt know if I had imagined double checking and taking smirnoff in the house or not :oops: I actually think im going crazy :lol:
I got half way to work once and had to call my brother to get him to go and check that I hadnt shut my cat in Buu's run with her when I fed her because she will normally sit in there with me :lol: I knew I had checked but started doubting myself then I didnt know if I had imagined double checking and taking smirnoff in the house or not :oops: I actually think im going crazy :lol:

:lol: :lol: this thread has made me feel better :lol:
Me TOO!!!!!:lol:

Before I read this, I would NEVER had admitted to ANYONE that I have sometimes gotten up in the middle of the night and gone around checking water bottles with a torch!!!!!:p :lol: :lol:

I feel MUCH less weird, and in good company since this thread started!!!:lol: :lol:
I've just thought of something along the lines of the fire evacuation plan. Whrn I was taking Tango in the car I wondered if anyone would get him out of the car if I was in an accident. I think I need a "bunny on board" sticker. I then drove even more carefully!