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Do people think you're weird?

i'm wanting a tattoo of bunnies. a lop and a nethie (just the outlines :)) but am waiting till 26th (a month of deliberating) until i decide for sure.
People probably think I'm mad but I don't really care - we're all different - I find people who talk about their kids non stop, or football or motor racing make me switch off so I'm quite happy to return the favour with bunny talk :D
I couldnt believe the response I got when I told people in my work.
Most of them "rabbits! why?". One guy even said to me "whats the point?, so you can just look at them!" I got so annoyed. I've only had my wee bunnies a week and I just love them so much.
Some people just dont like animals, which I dont understand either. Fine if they dont want an animal but why ridicule other people.
I am blessed that mt b/f is as obsessed as I am. Mark is a drummer in a metal band amd when Tango had been to the vets I had to ring him to tell him what she'd said!
I do talk about Tango as my baby as well. At work someone shoed me a picture of their baby (human one) so I showed them one of mine (Tango!)
I've never had a negative response when i tell people i have rabbits. They usually seem very interested.
People tend to think its odd Audrey lives in the house and uses a litter tray, but other than that I don't think people think I'm mad :? :lol:

I don't think of myself as a 'rabbit person' though if you know what I mean- I just like all animals...
It's so nice to read this thread and realise that there are as many bunny obsessed people as me... I too don't go on holiday cos I can't bear to leave my babies behind..:roll: luckily i have a very understanding hubby who has become as bunny mad as me :lol:
people think im wierd! And i always get a joke about rabbit pie! and why rabbits they don't do anything? hate it!!!!!

Me and hubby have had hols but not for long 4 days max as i get so worked up when i leave them. This year however were going away for 7 days!!! :shock: My lil sis is house and bunny sitting for me! do we think i will be able to cope!???
My bunny is one of my more normal pets, so I get left alone there.
I happen to be extremely attached to my small flock of chickens, however, and I get a lot of grief for that! Try getting any sympathy when a chicken you have loved for ten years dies - no one cares! Happily I belong to a chicken forum that is full of wonderful folks who will cry over every lost chick with me.
most of my friends think its slightly weird but they are used to it now.

its the people i've only just met who think im deranged. like the ANC delivery guy who brings my hay to work - he's always moaning about having to bring more hay for my "really spoilt bunnies" :lol:

or when my new neighbours moved in and i had to explain why we'd got metal panels all the way along the partition fence. they asked why there were no rabbits in hutches - so i explained they were house bunnies. they were gobsmacked to find that they would use litter trays etc :lol:
My Precious Timmy.....In His Favourite place!!!!!



That is the cutest picture! Oh it made me go all gooey!
Sometimes I think I musn't love my animals as much as some of you do, cos I wouldn't not go on holiday, visit friends and family etc because of them :? ...
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Maybe you are just less weird :lol: :lol:

I would cancel a holiday if they were sick or I didn't have anyone to look after them, but I wouldn't not go because I have them.
Sometimes I think I musn't love my animals as much as some of you do, cos I wouldn't not go on holiday, visit friends and family etc because of them :? ...

I think it depends on the circumstances really...its difficult to go away (even just overnight) if you've got multiple pets, especially special needs ones. I don't think it means you love them any less, just don't have to worry as much. :lol:
My bunny is one of my more normal pets, so I get left alone there.
I happen to be extremely attached to my small flock of chickens, however, and I get a lot of grief for that! Try getting any sympathy when a chicken you have loved for ten years dies - no one cares! Happily I belong to a chicken forum that is full of wonderful folks who will cry over every lost chick with me.

I love chickens too and when I have lived in the right places, have had pet chickens and ducks, they are gorgeous.

I can't go away and leave my animals. I haven't had a holiday in 5 years cos I will get too upset. OH is really bothering me to go but I don't want to
If you are going to be worring all the time it wouldn't be much of a holiday anyway!

I would love to have some ducks one day. when I have a big garden and a pond :D
Sometimes I think I musn't love my animals as much as some of you do, cos I wouldn't not go on holiday, visit friends and family etc because of them :? ...

Im the same as you, I wouldn't not go away because of the rabbits.
Everyone one thinks I am weird and I couldn't care less!! :lol:
My Buns mean more to me than any human. With Buns I feel I fit in, with humans I always feel like an outsider.
