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Daisy has collapsed/ She's gone

I have just heard back from daisy's family. Although they approached us to care for Daisy in her final year they still loved her very much. They only gave her up due to changes in circumstances and because they were aware that they did not really know how to care for an elderly bunny and wanted her to have the best possible care :)

to Liz
sorry to hear about daisy she was an amazing bunnie with the strongest
spirit or just plain stubborness lol she will be missed alot, thankyou
for all your hard work and love for daisy over this year i know she
had the best year of her life with you guys and for that i will hold
you both in my heart along with her, i hope dave doesnt grieve to much
give him some extra cuddles from me and the family take care and much
love xxxxxxxxx

i think strong spirit and stubbornness sums Daisy up very well :love:
thats so lovely......Daisy was obviously a very much loved bun......bless you for looking after her whilst becoming elderly.....xxx