Wise Old Thumper
Last night was similar, only 45 mins though. How Eddy is reminds me of how Boo was towards Mouse when I was trio bonding. Back then after a week of being penned with them & not much progress, I released them all in to the house. This actually worked loads better as Mouse was faster than Boo (bigger bun & better eyesight) so chases were ok as Mouse dodged Boo. Over a series of weeks Mouse gradually moved closer & closer to Boo & gained her acceptance.
When do you think I can do this with Chinook & Eddy? Do I just need to be confident they don't hate each other or do I have to wait til they are fully bonded & grooming? I'd really appreciate anyones thoughts. I know neutral space is needed for introductions & first meetings but I've never done it for the later stages. Chinook is gonna be so hyperactive exploring her new spaces - I'm kinda dreading & looking forward to it at the same time
When do you think I can do this with Chinook & Eddy? Do I just need to be confident they don't hate each other or do I have to wait til they are fully bonded & grooming? I'd really appreciate anyones thoughts. I know neutral space is needed for introductions & first meetings but I've never done it for the later stages. Chinook is gonna be so hyperactive exploring her new spaces - I'm kinda dreading & looking forward to it at the same time