Do you mean they're not insured for any illness or injury that happened
before their policies start? That's how it normall works. Insurance that doesn't cover any
new illness or injury doesn't sound very useful? I think if you can check what he's covered for that sounds like a good idea. That way you won't have any unpleasant surprises if you find out later he's not covered for a certain thing.
Oh, that's kind of you to ask. I'm fine with both. Some people on here just call me Reader, which is good, too.
I totally get that.
I don't live with other humans, but I'm always sending my best friend photos when Sophie and Casper are being cute.
Aww, they don't sound very observant if they only notice you after ages of you standing there.
I'm glad you've been having fun floor time. That's so cute that they used you as a climbing frame.
That makes sense that Mischief is wary of your hand near his head now. Personally, though, but it's your decision, of course, I wouldn't stop the eye drops for a few days if they're still looking a bit red, especially if you think they might be sore. I do understand wanting to regain his trust again, but it sounds like he still needs the eye drops and might get worse again if he doesn't get them for a few days, and then you'll just have to keep giving them for even longer until he's better again. It's tough, though, I know, when they start being wary of you because of your giving them medication.
I'm glad you've been finding it so educational to be here. I really like that it's focused on rabbits here, too.
Sounds like you should rename her Lillabee.
I always think like that, too. "How would I like it if some giant picked me up? How would I like it if some giant made me take gross meds?" etc. I certainly wouldn't like being picked up! So, I understand why Sophie and Casper don't, too, and like you do with Lillabelle, I try to only do it when necessary.
I would love to see more photos of them, both together and on their own.
I'm sorry Mischief has been so grumpy lately, aw. His eyes bothering him and having his ears cleaned would make me grumpy, too, and getting the eye drops probably doesn't help, either. Keeping a close eye on him sounds good.
I can always use some extra sleep, too.