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Cheapest places to get small quantities of hay(alfalfa) ??


Warren Scout
I posted this on the GPF but thought I would post here as well.
My friend has a pregant guinea pig who they aren't doing a great job of looking after. So, as i have a key, I have started sneaking round my and feeding her extra hay and weeds a couple of times a week :oops: I noticed they are running fairly low on normal hay, not sure if they will buy some more when it does run out so I wanted to get my own supply. I was thinking of getting some alfalfa hay. It is high in calcium etc but as I only give a couple of handfuls each time I am there I figured it would be perfect. Anyone know where I can get alfalfa hay cheaply? I am totally broke at the moment- just spent my last £4 on food for me and the OH :oops: but still want to buy some hay for this little girly, every time I have visited this week they have had NO hay left, not even little scraps. And there is always some crappy bits of flaked maize in their bowl leftover from the rabbit museli. They practically inhale the dandelions I give them bless them!

I was thinking Hay Experts but does anyone know of anywhere cheaper? My local p@h doesn't do alfalfa hay- not sure why I thought they would TBH. It seems a bit of a waste to spend the money on postage just for a small bag of hay but I will if i can't find it anywhere else. Ho hum. :?

(I have tried talking to these people to no avail, I feed dandelions where I can as I know the piggies do already sometimes get dandelion so it is a safe veg to shovel them!):lol:
you could always suggest your friend buy seeds and grow her own endless supply of grass :wave: fast growing this time of year
i do a 50g bag of mixed grazing seed for £1.60 there's enough seed in that pack to last a few years :D
Bit of a longshot but you could find some stables or a farm shop and ask if they have any left over bits? Or maybe buy a section from them? The farm shop I went to the other day had loads of hay on the floor where they had been taking the bales out of the lorry... Such a waste!

If you're desperate, I have a massive bale in my shed and I could stuff a cereal box full and send it to you, postage would be about.. dunno, £2?