I was advised to keep a close eye on Esme after her vaccination in early June as there was a build up of wax in her ear and it was just looking a little sore, not enough to be a problem yet. I was shown how to massage at the base of her ear to help the wax move back to where Esme could get it out herself.. after FHB demonstrated Esme had a very good head shake, like she was saying I've wanted to shift that for ages but couldn't reach it
Coco went to the vet yesterday and got her ears checked (along with her jab and a micro chip, sidebar such a huge needle for such a little bun, poor thing!)
We are pretty certain that Coco is deaf as she never comes when you rattle food, only when Harvey reacts, plus she never reacts to the hoover or thunder storms. Anyway the vet checked her ears and there is no sign of any problems - wax, infection, mites etc so we think it is a congenital issue. I got her from a breeder (before I knew better) so I will email the breeder today and let her know.
Sooty fawn mini lopThank you
What Breed/colour is Coco ?
Sooty fawn mini lop
No, brown eyes.Thanks, does she have blue eyes ?
I'm taking Xena to the vets next week after giving her ears a massage and her reacting pretty violently with one of them.
Can ear problems cause eye problems out of curiosity?