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Why has my bunny got red base of ears?


New Kit
Hello, sorry for posting again it just feels like one thing after another at the moment.

On the 26th of October I noticed some small patches of flaky skin on my mini lops ear. It didn’t appear to be bothering her though. A few day later her eye started weeping. I asked at the vets, they said she may have got some hay in her eye, and her ear was dry skin. They gave me some lubricant for her eye, and tea tree cream (suitable for bunnies).

I tried that for a week but it just wasn’t improving. I took her back to the vets, they checked her eye for ulcers, drained her tear ducts, looked inside her eye with a light, checked her front and back teeth, and checked in her eyes and said it was all normal. They gave me antibiotic drops for her eye, and said it maybe an infection and told me to keep doing the tea tree cream on her ears, as they thought it was she was scratching her ears while trying to scratch her eyes and it was irritating her skin.

Her eye has started to improve, and I still have more drops to do twice a day for the next 4 days. However her ear isn’t getting any better at all. It’s got a lot worse than what it was in the beginning. It’s really strange, as she’s not shaking her head, the inside of her ear looks fine, all the rest of her skin seems fine. It’s just that one ear but mainly the base of the ear. It is the same side as the eye which had the infection.

I’m really not sure what to do. The vet she is seeing is a regular vet, the only specialist near me costs £250 for a consultation alone, excluding the costs of any tests or medicine. It’s so expensive and I’m really struggling to find the funds rn.

Is there anything this can be? I’ve treated for mites even though the vet said they didn’t think it was that. I don’t know if I can use any fungal treatment while she’s still got the mute treatment and antibiotics in her? Is the tea tree cream the right thing to use or should I try something else? Any advice is really welcome.

The photos is of the patch of flaky skin at the start and what it’s like now. As well as a picture of Clover!

Note: I have another bunny Bing who she’s close with. He hasn’t developed any issues with this. I have Another 2 but they haven’t come into contact with her yet.


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Years ago, one of my rabbits had mites and her ear looked like that. Has your vet tested for mites? Once diagnosed they're easily treated with an injection.
Years ago, one of my rabbits had mites and her ear looked like that. Has your vet tested for mites? Once diagnosed they're easily treated with an injection.
She hasn’t been tested for mites, I have given her a full dose of mite drop on treatment this morning just incase. Would she still be able to have the injection? Also if it is mites is there anything else I can do to help her? Or any cleaning products I should be using or doing?
Years ago, one of my rabbits had mites and her ear looked like that. Has your vet tested for mites? Once diagnosed they're easily treated with an injection.
also, do you remember what kind of mites they had?
Did the Vet look inside her ear? Which treatment did you give her?
Did the Vet look inside her ear? Which treatment did you give her?
The vet did look inside her ear and said it was normal. She said she didn’t think it was mites but wasn’t sure of what it was. I’ve given her pets at home parasite treatment (I’ve attached pictures of them). I showed it to my vet and they said that was the right thing to be using.


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Stakki had the kind of mites that cause mange, a non-burrowing mite species called protozoon. He did have quite a bit of skin flaking too, a symptom of mange. Vet said an injection to kill the mites was better than a topical application.
Years ago my bridge bun Rio had bare skin patch on back of his neck. Vet did skin scrape to check for mites, None showed up but he was given ivermectin injections. This did the trick and his fur grew back in.