Bringing two unspayed bunnies on a plane

I have a question I have a 7month old female lion head and she’s not spayed I am moving and I have to go on a plane but I also want get another bunny but could I bring two unspayed rabbit on a 6 hour flight in the same carrier? Ps when I move I will get them both spayed
It would be preferable if you could wait until after you have moved before getting another bunny. Would this not be possible?

Trying to bond two female bunnies is probably the most difficult bond of all the options. Does are very territorial. If you then complicate the issue even further, by trying to move two unspayed bunnies in the same carrier, I fear the outcome will probably be distress and aggression for both bunnies. Bunnies can inflict serious damage on other bunnies. They will be hormonal, unbonded and possibly worst of all, neither bunny will have anywhere to run to for an escape.
Ok that makes sense I could probably find a new bunny where I’m going also have any tips for flying with a bunny this is her first flight and she usually hate car rides
I wouldn't even attempt 2 entire females in the same space, and certainly not as strangers in a carrier when there's nothing you can do if there's an issue. Bonding 2 girls is my least favourite option. You would probably find it easier with a neutered boy - but wait until you've got settled in to the new place and your girl is neutered for the best chance of success.