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Big Libby -U/D 24th March- Tumour Growing Rapidly :-(

I'm sorry Jane I've just seen this. :(
Megavibes and prayers coming for Big Libby ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((vibes and prayers))))))))))))))))))
Please let Libby be okay.... :cry:
On examination this morning I have found a tumour in her abdominal cavity :cry: it appears to be located at the top of her bladder

She is more comfortable within herself, although she is still obviously not feeling well. She is eating, but not as enthusiatiscally as usual and she is very lethargic

Very much like how Sir Victor was in his final days.............. :cry:

We are seeing C again this morning, we will NOT be putting Big Libby through abdominal surgery

:cry: :cry:
Oh Jane... :cry::cry::cry:
Poor Libby...I can understand not wanting to cause her more trauma. I hope she will be as comfortable as possible.
Thinking of you and sending every spare vibe I've got. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Huge hugs))))))))))))))))))))))
Surgery is not an option as Libby has some heart irregularities and she is almost 7 years of age. 7 is old for a Giant

Because of the location of the mass surgery would be major and even if she survived the GA she would suffer a lot of post operative distress.

I want her to remain with us, of course I do. But not at the cost of her welfare. I dont want to put her through a huge ordeal at her stage in life with her additional complications.

This has nothing to do with money and everything to do with Libby's welfare
Jane you do not have to justify your decision, ( I understand why you feel you have to:( ) Many humans in similar situation would choose for themselves not to have surgery.
I know that you will do what is right for Big Libby and it is good that you have such a good vet to care for your rabbits.