• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Mimzy rolled yesterday U/D post #25 good outcome :)


Wise Old Thumper
I'm going to apologize in advance for this long post after being pretty much awol for weeks. I'm at the end of my tether and don't know where else to turn with this.

I was scared to death yesterday because Mimzy rolled. There is nothing more terrifying than a bunny in an out of control barrel roll...unless it's the bunny you've loved more than your own life for over ten years.

It's been almost 5 years now since he first got head tilt. Took him 6 months to recover to a point where, although wonky, he could eat and move on his own. But I remember those first few weeks where all he could do was roll. No balance whatsoever and just a mild shift would send him around like a ping pong ball. We seriously considered ending his life there and then because it was so awful. I prayed I would never see this happen again.

Pip had one bad episode of rolling in the years before we left Alaska. I had forgotten it until I ordered a copy of her records after her death. I even found the videos I took of her not being able to walk without circling when I got her to the vet that day. It was ruled an ear infection and she recovered, completely I thought, about a week later after abx.

I've not seen Fiver roll, but he has flopped like a landed fish due to bad landings on arthritic joints and it's just as scary because you can't stop it till it stops on it's own. You can steady them and pad them up so they don't hurt themselves, but it's hell until they are stabilised.

It was a terrible flashback and had my heart pounding out of my chest, because Mimzy hasn't been very well in the last few months, so when I heard the all too familiar flailing and bunny body and feet slamming against the enclosure panel I went into full on panic mode. I'd been in the kitchen, just a short distance away, washing Ebon's feet after she came back into the house from her morning walk. The noise had me running to him and my heart just broke seeing him on his side, unable to right himself. Absolutely no idea how it got started and so my first thought was, God...he's sick, this is it. I promised him years ago that I wouldn't make him go through all that again. :cry:

Got him up relatively easily and he was flapping his ears about. Knocked the wind out of him, surely. Took him a few minutes to orient himself again. Seems like lately he's always a bit out of breath but we've never seen anything on xray to treat. I know his stress level has something to do with it but he's sturdy for all that and no vet really sees it as unusual.

I couldn't stop the tears coming, I've been trying to bring myself to a place where I can say goodbye to him since he will likely only worsen from here on in and I will be traveling out of state sometime this summer. I can't leave him for my daughter to care for and take the chance he suffers or passes while I'm gone.

So I talked to his vet's office and we've got a tentative appointment for Wednesday next. He's been treated for some kind of eye infection, his lame leg is okay but the fur won't grow back and he still holds it under himself. He has at times now crawled where he needs to go, and it occurs to me he may have tripped over his bedding and that's what sent him into the wall. He was fine the rest of the day, if a bit subdued, and was full of beans in the evening as usual. But he's sounding congested, no runny nose though, I think...even if all it is is teeth that is the problem there I know my vet doesn't want to put him under for a dental because he's sure he'll lose him. Personally, if I thought it would improve his QOL at this point I'd say take the risk and if he goes, he goes, but I can't afford a full dental and not certain a semi-conscious one would solve the issue.

Unless the vet tells me he is beyond help, I won't pts next week, but I know the day is coming. I just want time with him out in the sun and the grass, but I've found areas of either skunk or raccoon poo in our yard (we have both trespassing here) and I wouldn't want to expose him to more pathogens...with his possible e.c. alone, that's enough crud that he's battling. Don't need to bring worms or lepto into the house.

My poor boy...I feel so selfish not just biting the bullet and saying enough is enough...but when he loves my noserubs the way he does and Fiver and he seem to enjoy each other's company (even if through the panels) I hate the idea. I know he can't go on forever, but I want every minute I can steal from the Black Rabbit.

Once he's gone, he's gone. I'll never see him again. :cry: I can't bear it.

He's been such a little soldier all these years. But every good soldier deserves his rest, doesn't he? :( Why then do I feel like I'm cutting his existence short rather than giving him the gift I tell everyone else it is? I know the saying, "better a day too early than a moment too late," but with my doubts about my judgement and understanding of situations in the last few years, I worry I'm not seeing things clearly.

Just because he rolled once doesn't indicate anything serious, does it? His balance is pants anyway...I don't want a lot of extraneous tests run to annoy him with...I have a number of a vet who'll come to the house in case he starts failing over the weekend...but how many times can I roll the dice, even with a rabbit who has heretofore beaten all the odds and the predictions of more than a few vets?

I'm beginning to believe that bunny keepers are secret adrenaline junkies. We'd have to be to live with an animal who can take a turn for the worse any day and have us racing to find a cure through any weather or risky situation. At least I must be one, I have no other explanation for my stubbornness in this matter...besides the fact that I'm besotted with this little man.

I just don't want to miss the cue, however well hidden, that he's ready...or not ready. I don't want to make a mistake.

Sorry, I know there are so many who have lost dear friends here lately and I've no right to complain...I grieve with all of you and also with those facing this miserable decision. :cry:

I'm pathetic. But I know there are those here who will understand why I feel this way. This is the only place I can bring my thoughts where there is empathy. I didn't mean to turn this into a rant. I'm very concerned that I handle Mimzy's health care properly all the way to the end...whenever that may be.

Thanks for reading, if you've come this far. Or even if you only got part way. And if anyone's got vibes going spare that they would send my little man's way, we'd both be very grateful for them. xx
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I a sorry to hear that Mimzy has developed further worrying symptoms. As you probably know Upper respiratory tract congestion (you mention he is sounding congested) and ear problems are often linked.


It may be that in his overall frail state infection is taking hold again. It could be useful for him to have some nebulising as this can thin out mucus secretions and let them flow. This can help both the 'blocked' URT and the middle ear. Obviously antibiotics are likely to be needed too and given that he has had so much Baytril in the past I would suggest that another abx would be needed. An injectable Penicillin (although I know you struggle with needles, could C help on that one ?) or maybe oral Azithromycin .


Giving a Mucolytic may also be beneficial


Of course it is possible that the 'roll' was due to him falling and simply not being able to right himself (due to his leg problem) and consequently he got into a bit of a panic. As I didn't witness the 'roll' I cant say if it looked more like that or if it looked to be neurological.

I really am sorry that Mimzy is now so frail and that you may be approaching the 'decision', one that we all dread having to face. But I know that you will find the inner strength to do what is best for Mimzy when the time is right. I wont pretend that it will be anything but heartbreaking for you, but you will put that fact to one side if it is to be Mimzy's 'time'.

I am thinking of you all and I just wish I were nearer and able to offer you more help

((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))) xx
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Thank you, Jane. You are always able to help me see things in a different light and for that I am profoundly grateful. :love:

This vet is really loathe to give abx more than once to a rabbit. :roll: I had to fight to get the three rounds of baytril for him earlier this year and I must admit it didn't do as much for him as I'd hoped. I believe he did have Zithromax back when he was recovering from head tilt. It worked rather well in between baytril doses. I'll ask the vet about that Wednesday and hope for the best. Neither C nor I can do needles, but the local branch vet office is open Tue, Wed, Thurs. Would it be possible to find an injectable penicillin dose he could have during those days or does it have to be every day? I'm wondering if that would be more acceptable to the vet as well, since he seems to be paranoid about disturbing bunny gut flora.

Mimzy does get terrible wax plugs in his ears. Going to have the vet take a look down them and plumb for goop. Poor lad can't really clean them anymore and I don't dare try it myself for fear of shoving it further in. Anytime I even try rubbing the base of the pinnas he starts squeaking and trying desperately to reach it with his foot. He's just too gimped up to be effective and I can see it frustrates him. :(

I will insist he at least takes a passing look in his mouth. I'm fairly sure I hear something clicking as he eats that is louder than the normal snicky-snicky of a bunny grinding his food and I fear there's a spur somewhere. Mimzy has taken to turning his head to the side to eat even something as soft as greens. It's either the ears hurting or the teeth...or maybe he's had a small stroke?

I wish I'd seen him go down so I could elaborate on why it happened, but alas. And of course he is totally blind in his down eye and can barely see out of his up eye...perhaps he ran into the spigot on his water bottle and that sent him into a panic. I try to keep stuff out of his way and his bedding as flat as possible, but he drags his rear right heel and it gets things twisted up. If I could afford it I'd have him on kitty mattresses but those are way out of my budget. (Not to mention I'd have to change them every few hours when he decided to pee on them. :roll: )

I know I have to show some spine if it comes down to this being his last visit...and I will of course...I just hate that it would be too stressful to take Fiver with us to say goodbye. :(

I will peruse these links further this evening after I do their clean up. I've given them a quick read through but can't really concentrate on them at the moment. But I appreciate you putting them up for me, thank you Jane. :)
I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time with Mimzy :( He's obviously an incredibly special boy so I understand why making that decision is so hard for you.
Having a tilty boy myself I've got to say that the rolling wouldnt concern me too much. Hiro is 'recovered' now but his balance is still a bit off and even now he occasionally rolls when he does something stupid! He also rolls when he has to go to the vets or in stressful situations. I hate it when it happens because it really is distressing to watch but he bounces back quickly and it doesn't seem to bother him too much.
I imagine that having a lame leg and balance issues could certainly send him rolling once in a while but it sounds like he came out of it ok. Maybe you could roll up some towels and blankets and place them around the edges of his enclosure to act as bumpers to prevent him from hurting himself if it happens again? Fingers crossed it was just a one off though :)
It's very clear how much you love him and when it truly is his time you will know. I have no doubt that you will do the right thing by him every step of the way.
Lots of hugs. Xxx
I'm so sorry :cry: when you have such a special bond it is very worrying, and very hard to make the decision to PTS. But I know that, as always, you will do the very best you can for him.

I'm sending lots of vibes for him and hugs to you xx
Thinking of you and sending vibes for Mimzy. Caring for rabbits is sometimes very hard.
Oh MM, I know just how you feel :( I'm sorry poor Mimzy is struggling :( I do know that Olly would sometimes do a big flop, and flop a bit too far, then panic because he was on his back and couldn't get upright again. He would be flailing his legs etc like you described, it was horrible. As soon as I saw him I would gently push him the right way round and he would be ok again. Maybe it was just something like that? I also understand about the nuisance of waxy ears, as Daisy had that problem and couldn't scratch them due to her arthritis :( it drove her insane, and I admit to sticking my little finger in there and trying to do it for her, which she really appreciated! I know it's something that shouldn't be done, but it seemed to stop the itching for a while.
I really hope it isn't time for Mimz to go yet, I know how special he is :( so I'm sending lots of love and hugs to you, and tons of vibes and nose rubs for your little soldier xxxx
What a terrible worry for you. Perhaps he got caught in something, as you said. Bubble loses his balance and falls over at times. He gets himself totally worked up trying to get back up.

I really hope that things go well at the vet and you can have some more time with your precious boy. Sending loads of vibes.
I'm going to apologize in advance for this long post after being pretty much awol for weeks. I'm at the end of my tether and don't know where else to turn with this.

I was scared to death yesterday because Mimzy rolled. There is nothing more terrifying than a bunny in an out of control barrel roll...unless it's the bunny you've loved more than your own life for over ten years.

It's been almost 5 years now since he first got head tilt. Took him 6 months to recover to a point where, although wonky, he could eat and move on his own. But I remember those first few weeks where all he could do was roll. No balance whatsoever and just a mild shift would send him around like a ping pong ball. We seriously considered ending his life there and then because it was so awful. I prayed I would never see this happen again.

Pip had one bad episode of rolling in the years before we left Alaska. I had forgotten it until I ordered a copy of her records after her death. I even found the videos I took of her not being able to walk without circling when I got her to the vet that day. It was ruled an ear infection and she recovered, completely I thought, about a week later after abx.

I've not seen Fiver roll, but he has flopped like a landed fish due to bad landings on arthritic joints and it's just as scary because you can't stop it till it stops on it's own. You can steady them and pad them up so they don't hurt themselves, but it's hell until they are stabilised.

It was a terrible flashback and had my heart pounding out of my chest, because Mimzy hasn't been very well in the last few months, so when I heard the all too familiar flailing and bunny body and feet slamming against the enclosure panel I went into full on panic mode. I'd been in the kitchen, just a short distance away, washing Ebon's feet after she came back into the house from her morning walk. The noise had me running to him and my heart just broke seeing him on his side, unable to right himself. Absolutely no idea how it got started and so my first thought was, God...he's sick, this is it. I promised him years ago that I wouldn't make him go through all that again. :cry:

Got him up relatively easily and he was flapping his ears about. Knocked the wind out of him, surely. Took him a few minutes to orient himself again. Seems like lately he's always a bit out of breath but we've never seen anything on xray to treat. I know his stress level has something to do with it but he's sturdy for all that and no vet really sees it as unusual.

I couldn't stop the tears coming, I've been trying to bring myself to a place where I can say goodbye to him since he will likely only worsen from here on in and I will be traveling out of state sometime this summer. I can't leave him for my daughter to care for and take the chance he suffers or passes while I'm gone.

So I talked to his vet's office and we've got a tentative appointment for Wednesday next. He's been treated for some kind of eye infection, his lame leg is okay but the fur won't grow back and he still holds it under himself. He has at times now crawled where he needs to go, and it occurs to me he may have tripped over his bedding and that's what sent him into the wall. He was fine the rest of the day, if a bit subdued, and was full of beans in the evening as usual. But he's sounding congested, no runny nose though, I think...even if all it is is teeth that is the problem there I know my vet doesn't want to put him under for a dental because he's sure he'll lose him. Personally, if I thought it would improve his QOL at this point I'd say take the risk and if he goes, he goes, but I can't afford a full dental and not certain a semi-conscious one would solve the issue.

Unless the vet tells me he is beyond help, I won't pts next week, but I know the day is coming. I just want time with him out in the sun and the grass, but I've found areas of either skunk or raccoon poo in our yard (we have both trespassing here) and I wouldn't want to expose him to more pathogens...with his possible e.c. alone, that's enough crud that he's battling. Don't need to bring worms or lepto into the house.

My poor boy...I feel so selfish not just biting the bullet and saying enough is enough...but when he loves my noserubs the way he does and Fiver and he seem to enjoy each other's company (even if through the panels) I hate the idea. I know he can't go on forever, but I want every minute I can steal from the Black Rabbit.

Once he's gone, he's gone. I'll never see him again. :cry: I can't bear it.

He's been such a little soldier all these years. But every good soldier deserves his rest, doesn't he? :( Why then do I feel like I'm cutting his existence short rather than giving him the gift I tell everyone else it is? I know the saying, "better a day too early than a moment too late," but with my doubts about my judgement and understanding of situations in the last few years, I worry I'm not seeing things clearly.

Just because he rolled once doesn't indicate anything serious, does it? His balance is pants anyway...I don't want a lot of extraneous tests run to annoy him with...I have a number of a vet who'll come to the house in case he starts failing over the weekend...but how many times can I roll the dice, even with a rabbit who has heretofore beaten all the odds and the predictions of more than a few vets?

I'm beginning to believe that bunny keepers are secret adrenaline junkies. We'd have to be to live with an animal who can take a turn for the worse any day and have us racing to find a cure through any weather or risky situation. At least I must be one, I have no other explanation for my stubbornness in this matter...besides the fact that I'm besotted with this little man.

I just don't want to miss the cue, however well hidden, that he's ready...or not ready. I don't want to make a mistake.

Sorry, I know there are so many who have lost dear friends here lately and I've no right to complain...I grieve with all of you and also with those facing this miserable decision. :cry:

I'm pathetic. But I know there are those here who will understand why I feel this way. This is the only place I can bring my thoughts where there is empathy. I didn't mean to turn this into a rant. I'm very concerned that I handle Mimzy's health care properly all the way to the end...whenever that may be.

Thanks for reading, if you've come this far. Or even if you only got part way. And if anyone's got vibes going spare that they would send my little man's way, we'd both be very grateful for them. xx

Oh no I'm sorry to hear this :(

You are not pathetic!! No way!

Vibes being sent for Mimzy, and hugs for you xx
Thank you everyone :love:
Mimzy is doing well so far. No further episodes of rolling or even stumbling. I just don't understand what could have happened, but glad he's stable for now.
He is definitely chewing oddly though. Something is going on with that mouth, but I can run my hands over his jaw and he doesn't flinch or anything. It's like his tongue isn't working properly or something and he has to dip his head to the side to get it out of the way?

He doesn't react like he's chewing on something painful, like we would if we bit our cheek or something...I will be sure to have the vet try to get a look in there. :?
Thank you everyone :love:
Mimzy is doing well so far. No further episodes of rolling or even stumbling. I just don't understand what could have happened, but glad he's stable for now.
He is definitely chewing oddly though. Something is going on with that mouth, but I can run my hands over his jaw and he doesn't flinch or anything. It's like his tongue isn't working properly or something and he has to dip his head to the side to get it out of the way?

He doesn't react like he's chewing on something painful, like we would if we bit our cheek or something...I will be sure to have the vet try to get a look in there. :?

I am relieved to read that Mimzy is stable now and I really hope that he continues to cope as well as possible. Hopefully the Vet will be able to get some idea as to whether Mimxy's teeth are causing him discomfort . Still sending lots of vibes for him and of course some hugs for you xx
Has he got any facial paralysis? Hiro chews a little weirdly too.

I've been thinking one side was lower than the other for awhile, but he seemed better after his baytril rounds earlier in the year. The odd chewing is new though. :?
He used to be a "3-months-on-the-dot-needing-a-dental" bun. That ironically lengthened after his tilt to upwards of 6 months to a year. It's been easily a few years now since his last one.

I just hope if he needs one the vet will give it a shot. He can't continue like that if he's having tooth pain. :( I know the risks...have known them for years. We will take whatever Fate sends us.

Jane, thank you for your kind words. ((((Hugs)))) I'm just trying not to think the worst for next week. It's hard though, as we both know well. :( xxxx
Im sorry you had a scare with Mimzy! It so nerve racking when the buns are older. Do you think something could have startled him perhaps? Set him off in a quick scramble and he lost his balance?

Are his front teeth intact? I ask because the mouth movements reminded me of Rumball when he broke his incisors last year. Initially, I only saw a slightly crooked tooth and tiny bit of blood. Next day, one incisor was gone then another a day or so later. He must have cracked them at the time then they broke off later. Will Mimzy allow you to look?

Regarding the injections, there is short and long acting kinds so the vet might be able to use one that's suitable so you can take him in for the shots. From memory, short acting is better. My vet usually starts out with penicillin every day for 5-7 days, then spaces it out to every 2nd day. I think with Gooseman, he had every third day at one point. Or, over weekend it would be 3 days then back to every second day during the week.
Would it be worth asking if one of the nurses would be willing to call by on non-clinic days if they live near by? Or ask about if they know of pet sitters that are experienced with giving sub Q & penicillin that could come by for you?

Sending out many {{{vibes}}} for dear Mimzy and the upcoming vet appointment. Some virtual (((hugs))) for you too! I'll be checking in for updates.
ps. love the avvy baby pic of him :love:
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Hey Jerz! :wave: You know, I'm not sure, but I'll check it out when I clean them up tonight. I don't think so though, he certainly put them into my finger last night and they felt intact. :shock:

I really doubt I could afford having someone come in to give the jabs. As it is, I am struggling with all sorts of expenses and it's getting over my head. I will of course do everything I can for him, but I think I'm going to have a running tab going with these folks for a little bit till I find my feet financially. :(

Thanks for the vibes and the kind words. :love: Yeah, that shot of him is one of my favorites. They were some of the first pictures we got of him before we brought him home. I think July 16th is his Gotcha Day, but I fear he won't make it that far. :cry:

Trying to keep up hope though. It's hard these days. Thank you for posting, it really lifted my spirits. :D xxxx
Yikes, sorry about your finger! He still has some spunk about him, I see. :roll: Cheeky boy.

I suppose you'll know the way forward after the 31st. Hopefully you come away with a treatment plan that your happy with and isn't too hard on the hip pocket either.

I guess we have to strive to think like the rabbits and live in the moment, not fearing the future... Easier said then done. :?
Spunk? Oh yeah...that's one way to put it! :lol: I allow him to wander about with Fiver from time to time and he still thinks he's 'boss bun', always trying to hump poor Fiver. It's not a good idea because Fiver has such a bad back, so I don't put up with it. But I think they both do like to be near one another so it's kind of sad that they can't really be bonded. :(

Well I don't see anything wrong with his incisors. They are very yellowed and dingy, but they are solid.

His leg is healed too. I was shocked. I expected to see more urine scald, but it looks quite pink and healthy except for how messy the fur is. You can tell it's still a sore leg, but that must be from the arthritis, not the lesions he had on it.

One moment at a time. Tonight was a good moment. He seems fairly well within himself. Perhaps the rolling was a one off. If so I feel a bit stupid, but there was really no other way to look at it at the time it happened. :(
Honestly, don't be hard on yourself! When you've seen a bun go through head tilt with the rolling, it is a normal fear of seeing a relapse any time they are not right.
Very glad to read he is doing well currently. May it continue! Fantastic about the leg also. :)
I've been thinking one side was lower than the other for awhile, but he seemed better after his baytril rounds earlier in the year. The odd chewing is new though. :?
He used to be a "3-months-on-the-dot-needing-a-dental" bun. That ironically lengthened after his tilt to upwards of 6 months to a year. It's been easily a few years now since his last one.

I just hope if he needs one the vet will give it a shot. He can't continue like that if he's having tooth pain. :( I know the risks...have known them for years. We will take whatever Fate sends us.

Jane, thank you for your kind words. ((((Hugs)))) I'm just trying not to think the worst for next week. It's hard though, as we both know well. :( xxxx

Well... a slighly wonky face could be a symptom of inner ear infection? It could also explain his recent lack of balance too. Maybe see if your vet notices it when you go :)
Thinking of you today. Im not sure if got time zones right. Was appt today or will be tomorrow? Hoping Mimzy is doing well. xx