Hi everyone! Sorry for not updating, I had a very long day and it's now almost 3 am here and I wish I could sleep but I'm going to do a quick update. It may be a bit scattered.
Mimzy came through his appointment just fine. He received some baytril for upper respiratory congestion and lung sounds (vet wasn't happy with that) and got his ears cleaned (we wowed him with Mimzy's ear wax plugs) and we'll assess him again in a few weeks to see if his breathing has improved and he could have a dental at that time.
The rolling was deemed unremarkable, but my vet warned me that blocked ears could shorten his lifespan. Of course I know this, but have such a hard time getting the wax out of his ears without him squeaking or getting distressed. With the help of the vet and the attendant we were done in seconds and it was a lot easier on my boy than me doing it alone.
He really did have a lot of gunk in there though and his head was a lot straighter than it has been in a long time once I got him home. Although the stuff is supposed to dry on it's own, he definitely was still shaking his head this evening trying to clear the rest out of his ears.
He got injectible baytril with a vitamin supplement in it to make it taste better, but it has the look and smell of cod liver oil and it's vile. :mrgreen: I feel so bad for Mimzy...although this will clear up his respiratory issues, it's not going to make me very popular with him.

I think we'd rather have had the tuna flavour.
Something I forgot to mention to the vet was his cecals, which seem to get better one week and then are horrible the next. We're in a horrible period right now. While I was cleaning up his enclosure tonight, he had to have passed no less than ten, small, smeary cecals and I don't know if it's due to his teeth being bad or some other issue. He sure started scoffing his hay though after his baytril dose though...probably to get that nasty taste out.
My daughter really thought I wouldn't be coming home with him, so she is a bit jaded about the vet's review of his condition. I think it's because she is apprehensive of possibly having to care for him while I am away in Alaska later this summer. Mimzy could well be gone by then, and I think this is her anxiety disorder talking more than anything. I believe if the vet thought it was Mimzy's time he'd have suggested we let him go.
Mimzy's 'down' eye socket appears to be somewhat enlarged but the vet had no explanation for it. He doesn't feel there's any pressure in the eyeball itself. It just seems to be the bone shape that he found odd. Has anyone any thoughts on this? He didn't suggest any course of action so I'm assuming it's not a big deal?
All in all it was a relief to get a good report on him. The vet seemed to think he was in good shape for a 10 1/2 year old bunny and the tech who helped with him actually raised Holland Lops, so she has some good input too.
I want to thank everyone for all the good vibes and thoughts for my little man today. He was well settled when I left him and Fiver to go to bed this evening. I hope we see some improvement in Mimzy's symptoms tomorrow.
Okay, I'm just babbling now. Going to grab some kip, goodnight!
