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Baby rabbit caught by cat.. RIP baby Celandine

Just popped on in between events this morning - you will need mikki teats, double strength esbilac (much better powder imp than any other - less sugar more fats), sterilising equipment, and 2 hourly feeding regime.

Personally I would say travel is either now or when he is fully grown at 6 months say - BUT wildies can be difficult to adapt to new and displaced circumstances once older - not impossible but in my experience having taken on an older wildie - much less adaptable to new humans than other buns.

So a change of handler and feeder at say 3 or 4 weeks old is not great.

I think Tracy can advice and help as well from her experience so over to her - and others with wildies. I know how they tug at the heartstrings so completely understand how you feel!!!!
Just to clarify - very very happy to give support and advice if you do decide to go for it and keep him!

Much as I want to keep him I know I can't provide for a lively, energetic wildie so I think yours is the ideal home for him. I can imagine how hard a change of ownership would be. I'm toying with the idea of asking my vets to take over the care of him and maybe Tracy collect from there if all parties would be happy with that. I'd be happy to pay for admission (if applicable) at the vets if I know he's been properly fed and hydrated etc before he travels. I have managed to get some milk into him this morning and he seems well but I want to be 100% he's okay.
I've just done Google maps and pick up from Harrogate would most probably be easier for Tracy than Skipton.

The vets would be willing to take him in and care for him until pick up.
If he is still very young, then personally I don't think travel would be too much of a problem to him as they sleep for much of the time and just twitch and wriggle about a lot. I had to bring Cookie to work with me so that I could feed him during the day in the early stages. His home as a baby was a little carrier, which I put inside a big sports bag, padded with fleece blankets and with a snugglesafe. He was non-the-wiser regarding his journey each day. As long as he was in his little carrier, in a warm and quiet environment with a tummy full of milk, he was happy.

I agree with Twigs, once they are older and more alert to their surroundings, I think moving them and a change of carer would be more traumatic.

As much as I tried not to let it happen, Cookie bonded very quickly with me and Paul. Had he survived, there would have been no way that he could have been released. I can totally understand your thoughts on not releasing your baby as I felt exactly the same way. Some say that they retain their fearful nature, but Cookie never did, at 5 weeks old he was a proper little bunny and was doing all the normal bunny things, but he still wanted to sit in my hands and snuggle down.

If you do decide that you want him to go to Twigs, just let me know. I can do this afternoon, tomorrow afternoon or any time over the weekend.
If he is still very young, then personally I don't think travel would be too much of a problem to him as they sleep for much of the time and just twitch and wriggle about a lot. I had to bring Cookie to work with me so that I could feed him during the day in the early stages. His home as a baby was a little carrier, which I put inside a big sports bag, padded with fleece blankets and with a snugglesafe. He was non-the-wiser regarding his journey each day. As long as he was in his little carrier, in a warm and quiet environment with a tummy full of milk, he was happy.

I agree with Twigs, once they are older and more alert to their surroundings, I think moving them and a change of carer would be more traumatic.

As much as I tried not to let it happen, Cookie bonded very quickly with me and Paul. Had he survived, there would have been no way that he could have been released. I can totally understand your thoughts on not releasing your baby as I felt exactly the same way. Some say that they retain their fearful nature, but Cookie never did, at 5 weeks old he was a proper little bunny and was doing all the normal bunny things, but he still wanted to sit in my hands and snuggle down.

If you do decide that you want him to go to Twigs, just let me know. I can do this afternoon, tomorrow afternoon or any time over the weekend.

I do want him to go to Twigs, I've supposedly sent you a text in case you can't get on RU at work. If you haven't got the text then I've put the number in wrong! I had wanted to take him to my vets for them to feed him properly before he travels but I'm feeling more confident now and will get some kitten formula and feed him again. Looking at Google maps, if I bring him through to Harrogate it would save you about 1 - 1 1/2 hours in total, I work from home on Thursdays so can go at any time. Sorry I can't bring him further. I should have been working last night so already about 4 hours behind... not to mention the world is a mystery to me beyond Harrogate :oops:
I haven't received a text from you. If you pm me your mobile number and I will try sending you one and then you'll be able to reply.

Twigs said Steve will be in at 3.30, but has to go out again in evening. Just need to know what time he will be out in evening so that I can work out whether I can get up to Harrogate and then travel down to Twigs in time to catch Steve.

I finish work at 1pm and will be home at about 1.45. I'll just grab a very quick bite to eat and can be off by 2.15pm.

According to Google, my journey times will be:

Bilsthorpe to Harrogate: 1:23

Harrogate to Twigs: 2:19

Much depends on the state of the traffic on the A1, but if all goes well I should be in Harrogate by 3.45.

If I manage to set off again by 4.00pm then I won't be at Twigs until around 6.30, but knowing the A1 at that time of day it could take longer.

If today isn't possible due to timings, then is tomorrow any good? I usually help at Kirkby rescue in the morning, but could skip that if necessary, so could be available at any time during the day/evening.
If today isn't possible due to timings, then is tomorrow any good? I usually help at Kirkby rescue in the morning, but could skip that if necessary, so could be available at any time during the day/evening.

I work Friday afternoons so may be trickier.
Another option, if I can't get down to Twigs before Steve has to go out again, is for me to collect baby this afternoon, keep him at ours for a few hours, and then drive down to Twigs to drop him off when Steve gets back home tonight. Paul would be home from work by then, so would do the driving for this bit of the journey.

Will wait for Twigs to come back on and see what the timings are and what she thinks is best.
I have been following this story since last night and am totally enthralled by all your wonderful and selfless caring.

Good vibes and power to all the good people doing good things for this little baby here :thumb:

I wish him all the luck and love in the world for a good life, wherever that may be :love:
I am out this eve but sreve is in all time after 3.30 poss 4. I am oht at present but collecting from steve at station at 3. Then home so tracy anytime fine
I am out this eve but sreve is in all time after 3.30 poss 4. I am oht at present but collecting from steve at station at 3. Then home so tracy anytime fine

OK, we'll go for it today then. :thumb:

I will arrange to meet Alison in Harrogate and will set off straight away. I'll then bring baby directly to you and Steve. I'm guessing that it will be around 6.30 by the time I've gone up to Harrogate and then back down to you.
I've still got the cage that we used for Cookie when he first started to become more mobile, before we moved him to a bigger pen. It's all plastic with a wire grill on the top, so very safe. Will bring that with me.
Should I get some kitten formula or do you have in-date suitable food ready for him?

Is the goat's milk any good to send with him? I won't use it myself.
Alison - may be nearer to 4pm before I reach Harrogate. Slightly later setting out than planned as I had to do a bit of shuffling about in the loft to retrieve the cage.

I am ready to set off. Bye for now. :wave: