Another new hay company

This hay smells so good even I want to eat it [emoji38]

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This is so tempting. Did it come in smaller boxes?

That would make storage soo much easier!

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I ended up with 12 large boxes :lol: but I do have a large shed. I put a photo on Facebook and now have a lot of rabbit friends interested in their hay.
I just got the sample pack of Timothy, Timothy second cut and orchard. It’s going down very well with my two!
Hmmm I might give it a go once I finish off my Small Pet Select box as I only have room for two big boxes at a time.

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So what’s orchid hay?

Does anyone else regularly use hayboxclub club other than me?

I'd avoid Orchid hay :lol: I assume just another grass variety. You need Omi.

We were getting through lots of haybox (timothy, not tried meadow) then they suddenly ent off it. Dunno why, it looks & smells perfect. Boo now loves the meadow hay I got off Etsy but it took her 2 weeks.
In order they like the Timothy first cut, the orchard and the Timothy 2nd last. I’m likely to get the Timothy with the flowers for my next hay order- I like the fact that it comes in small boxes, as we have a small flat!

Also just ordered a sample of the M&T hay too